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Monday, April 26, 2021

Create an Affiliate Marketing Website | Complete Beginners Course


Create an Affiliate Marketing Website | Complete Beginners Course,

Do you want to lear,how you can start to,make money online with,affiliate marketing?,Well, if that's the,case, then you're at,the right address. My,name is Freddy, and I,will show you step by,step, how you can start,your own affiliate,marketing business. Let,me show you what we,will cover in this,tutorial. First, I will,explain what affiliate,marketing is, how it,works, and then we'll,show you some real,life. 

Examples on how,affiliate marketing is,done the right way.,After that, I will give,you 25 ideas of,affiliate marketing,products that you can,promote, and also show,you how to find,products and service,for yourself to promote,the way you know, what,you want to promote. We,will create an,affiliate website,around it and fill it,with available,information about the,product. 

I will show,you how we can create a,logo for your business,and more important how,to create converting,blog posts. We will,talk about finding,ideas. I want to write,how to do market,research, to find the,best subjects to write,about and how you can,let other people write,blog posts for your,website. And since I do,not want to skip one,step in the process, I,will teach you how you,can create your own,featured images or,thumbnails for your,blog posts in,Photoshop. We will,optimize your blog,posts and pages for,search results. 

At,social sharing options,plays our affiliate,link or multiple places,in the website and talk,about ways to get,visitors to your,website. And throughout,the video, I will,motivate you. I will,give you great ideas,and insights on how to,make your fitted,marketing a huge,success. Now, maybe you,want to skip a certain,bar in the video or,learn a specific thing.,If that's the case, you,can find timestamps in,the description of this,video.

When you click,on one of those, you go,directly to that spot,in the video. And if I,go too fast for you,,you can slow down the,video by clicking here,and change the speed of,the video. In this,video, I will not sell,you a course. I will,not ask for email,address. I will give,you things for free.,I'm not going to give,you 50% of the,knowledge. 

Now I will,give you everything.,What I'm after is likes,and subscribers. So if,y'all just support me,or want see more,upcoming videos,,WordPress related, or,affiliate marketing,related thing, I,subscribe please like,this video. And what I,want to tell you before,we start is that this,is hard work. It's not,like, okay, just follow,the story.

 I'll do what,I say a little bit. And,then you start to make,money and you don't,know what to do with it,because it's so much,,no it's hard work. And,in the beginning you,will not get paid that,much with a normal job.,Your income will,probably grow every,year, a little bit. It,can help you to pay the,bills. 

It can be stable,because with affiliate,marketing in the,beginning, you still,put a lot of time and,effort in it before he,started to see money.,But when you start,getting sales and make,money, the growth will,be exponential as you,see in the curve. So,the longer you work on,it, the more money,you're going to make,,but let's not get,carried away. My goal,for you is to get your,first sale, a true this,video. I did my best,to, to help you to,achieve that the police,went, you have done,that. Let me know in,the comments or send me,an email. 

I really,,really like to hear,that I want this video,to be a complete,course. So you can,start to make money,too, because I know if,I can do it, you can do,it. And if I see the,life I have right now,,it's so beautiful with,everything I can do.,And I believe everybody,deserves a chance, but,it's hard work. It's,really hard. So I will,just say it up front.,It's not get rid of,really easy. It's hard,work. 

So if you're,motivated, if you're,willing to go in and I,would like to say,,let's continue. I want,to start with telling,you,what affiliate,marketing is. So let's,get started. So what is,affiliate marketing?,Affiliate marketing is,promoting someone,else's product or,service next change for,a commission. 

Let me,say it again. Affiliate,marketing is promoting,someone else's product,or service in exchange,for a commission. So,when you promote,someone else's product,or service and you use,your unique affiliate,link, somebody clicks,on it and buys a,product to promote you,,get money.

 Let me,illustrate it to you.,Imagine there's a,WordPress expert and he,makes a beautiful or,press scores where,people can learn from,scratch, how to create,a WordPress website.,The course costs $100.,So when people buy it,,of course they pay,$100. And at the same,time, they get the,login details to that,course. So the course,is happy because he,just earned $100. And,the buyer's happy,because he got X's,through the WordPress,scores. But since the,WordPress course is,digital, everything is,profit. You don't have,to pick something or,send it to an address.,No, it's all digital.,So the course maker can,sell the course on,unlimited times. 

So if,he earns $100 per,buyer, he gets profit.,But when he earns $60,per buyer, he also has,profit $60. And this is,where you're going into,the picture. What can,he do? Now? He can get,affiliate marketers to,promote his scores for,him in exchange for a,commission. 

So when,somebody buys this,WordPress,course through an,affiliate link, the,buyer still pays $100,,but instead of $100,,going directly to the,course owner, $40 goes,through the affiliate.,$60 goes to the horse,owner and the course,goes to the buyer. So,the course owner makes,less profit. See,,instead of 100. But the,great thing is now that,tons of people and,promote his scores. So,he will get more sales.,So he will have more,sales. 

He will share,the commission with,this affiliate,marketers and the,visits are still get,his scores. So what,would you rather have,selling your own math,course by herself and,getting one sale per,day of $100 or having a,whole team promote your,course and getting five,sales per day and,getting $60 per sale.,If you promote your,course by herself and,get one sale, you get,$100. But if you have,five sales through,affiliates per day,,you're on $60 per seal,,which is $300 per day.,So the Gore's maker,gets $60. The,affiliates 40, and the,buyer gets the scores.,So it's a win, win, win,situation. Everybody's,happy. 

And the great,thing about affiliate,marketing is when you,promote someone else's,products, you are,another help desk. 

You,have no obligations in,a lot of cases, you,don't even know who to,buyer is. So after you,make your sale and get,your commission, your,job done, and that is,an amazing way to make,money on the,internet. These days,,everyday people on the,internet want to learn,things and buy new,things. 

Your job is to,become the mediator,,the affiliates between,the buyer and the,product. So you can get,your commission. How,can you do that? Well,,I'll talk about it in,depth in this tutorial.,So how does this work?,You can go to any,product or service,online and find out if,they have an affiliate,program. When you have,one, you can apply to,become an affiliate.,When your affiliate,account is activated,,you get a unique,affiliate link. Why?,

Because in that way,,the company knows where,the visitors come from.,So if somebody clicks,on your unique,affiliate link and they,buy the product or,service, you promote,the product knows that,the sale comes from you,and that the commission,should go to you. It's,all on autopilot. So,what we're going to do,,we're going to create a,website and offer,valuable information,about the product or,service you want to,promote. So how will it,look in real life?,Well, let me go to the,internet and show you,how it is done. These,days, I made a website,and I want to take it,to the next level. 

So I,searched for a best or,press themes. 2020,,there are a few,advertisements I scroll,down and then I see,this websites, the best,of most popular,WordPress themes of,2020 updated. And then,you see a text of a blog,,best orb as website.,And the first one is,Devi. You see a link,over here. She lingo,here and you see more,links over here. A lot,of this, this is an,affiliate link. This,one is this a link to,other blog posts in,that way, your whole,website will rank,better. We'll talk,about that. And there's,a complete review about,the Divi theme, but,this is a short,description. 

And then,you receive a call to,action. Get started,with DV today. So if I,will go to that,website, I go to,pricing. I can pay per,year, $89 or one time,to one that's 49. And,when I buy this through,this link, look at what,happens. It closes. I,scroll all the way,down. I searched for,affiliates, affiliates,,and look at this. If,they sign up, you get,50% of the seal. 

So if,I go back and somebody,buys it through your,link, you get, or,Walmart, a $24, 50 or,$44 50, and this is,recurring. So if they,pay $89 per year, every,year, you will get the,$44 50. How, because,they have a blog post,with the best themes.,So, and then there's,the second one. Ultra,,if you click over here,,this is in the fitted,link to the ultra,theme, the third one,BeaverBuilder and here,you see better. This is,an affiliate link,affiliate one on a 72.,And when people buy it,,they get a commission.,So that's how it work.,You offer a value to a,block post, and when,people click on the,links and they buy the,things you promote, you,get your commission. 

So,if I would go to DV,,I'm also a promoter of,TV. So I log into my,affiliate area and what,I see, it's the 14th of,September. And in 14,days I made around,$850. And in total I,made over $80,000 Boyd.,It's true affiliate,marketing. I'm not a,help desk. If people,have a question about,the theme, they can go,directly to the,support. So that's the,great thing about,affiliate marketing. 

So,how can you do this?,You can start to learn,a product or service,and start writing about,it. We're going to talk,about the writing, how,to make your text,better, how to become a,better writer, how to,have outer corrections,and all that stuff. And,the great thing about,is always, you can,learn it and then,there's a title, the,best and most popular,WordPress themes of,2020 updated. So, you,know, it's up to date,and then here to divvy,,big image, and then a,small text about the,Divi theme. 

But you see,over here are links to,different pages. These,are affiliate links.,These also, and this is,one to the same,website, but a complete,blog posts. What you,see over here get 100,divvy theme,packs for price of one,thing. So here's a link,to buy something. I say,no. So there's a pop up,that helps to get more,sales. People can share,this. The more people,share this, the better,it will be found and,not much shares over,here. And then there's,a blog post about the,Divi theme. What I see,a good title, people,can share it.,Introduction, images,,titles, links, all.,This is what we are,going to do in this,tutorial. 

I will show,you how you create,things like these, and,the more value you give,to your visitor, the,higher, the chances to,be ranked better and,get more sales. So you,see a lot of,explanation. And again,,it takes a lot of work,,but in the end it will,pay off big time. So,here see comments. And,the more comments you,get the better this,,because it's new, fresh,content. And it shows,to Google that this,page is a good page,because people are,communicating over,here. And then here at,the right, we can join,our community. 

We have,popular resources in,the best of hosting,reviews, and also,hosting is a affiliate,link. So this is a blog,post, and then you can,click somewhere and,then you go through,their affiliate link.,So that's what you need,to do. You need great,value around the,product. I use videos,because I'm a video,maker almost since I,can remember, I liked to,make videos for me,personally. I like to,watch videos when I,want to learn something,or watch to review, but,you can also make a,website. And the great,thing about a grading,,a block post, you can,help people to make,your blog posts better.,You can just use,Grammarly. It's up to,you to become,successful with it. 

You,don't have to show your,face. You just need to,type a great text that,people like to read,,and then they can buy,your thing you promote.,And the great thing is,by writing, you can,become better at it.,You can make a,screenshot of your,screen. When you play,around with the thing,you want to promote,,place it over here,,write something about,it. 

The, what you,think, what are the,pros? What are the,cons? You can make,comparison, BlocPower,,stop them. Block posts,,the pros and the cons,block posts. You can do,so much and debts how,you can make money with,affiliate marketing.,And again, it is hard,work, but if you're,willing to put the,effort in and not,,everybody's willing to,put an effort in this,because they think,,yeah, I need to put a,lot of work in it. 

And,I don't see a sales,yet, but I know if,you're going to make,something like this,,about the thing you,want to promote, and,you keep on adding,value to your website,,people will come and,people will buy. You,are in charge. You,decide if you become,successful, but if it,had marketing or not, I,decided in 2015, just,five years ago, I am,going to be successful,with and done with not,being successful with,my own business. I,believe I have,something to offer. And,I decided even if,nobody will watch it, I,even made a blog post,about it. Verdict,corporates hook, no way,back, June the third,,2015, my first video,,no way back. So here it,is, must be the,platform where I've,been dreaming about in,the past.

 I started,,but I never persevered.,This is my passion.,Working with world,presidents, sharing,knowledge or tutored,sterols videos and,blocks. I want to share,my knowledge with the,world and I will work,on it weekly until it,becomes a success. And,now it is, and it's,getting better and,better. So he need to,persevere. And I know,you can do this. If I,can do this, a guy from,the Netherlands with no,business skills, just a,nice guy, wanting to,help other people that,you can do the same and,think about how great,it will be. 

If you will,have the best income,,it can be $300 from up,after a lot of hard,work. Well, how great,would it be to have,$300 extra? Maybe,you're a student. Maybe,you don't have an,income while the $300,is amazing. Maybe you,earned 15 on the dollar,per month and you can,barely pay the bills.,And now you're $300,extra. It can be 3000.,

It can be 30,000. It's,up to you. How much,work are you willing to,put into it? So now we,know what the field of,marketing is in there.,We're going to create a,website or we're going,to mold something, but,what are we going to,promote as an important,question? What are you,going to promote? What,I want to do. I want to,give you five ideas on,what you can promote.,And after that, our,Griffin ebook for free,,you don't need to leave,your email address. I,will just give you a,link and you download,it at once.

 This video,is all about you,achieving your goals,with defeat of,

marketing and in the,next minute, that will,also show you how you,can find something to,promote. And there are,two rules, there are,more rules, but the,first one is only,promote things that you,really like, that you,are sure of that will,benefit other people.,Don't promote crap.,Don't promote things,that make you a lot of,money that do not,benefit the person that,buys those things. And,the second one is, um,,know what you're,talking about. 

So get,to know the thing you,promote. If you promote,something, make sure,for instance, if you,promote a page builder,,like Elementor,get to know the page,builder, and we just,started writing about,it, or even to really,make a video about it.,I'll also show you how,to make videos later in,this video. Or I will,refer you to a video,where I'll show you how,to make videos. I want,to cover as much as,possible. So true. This,video, 

you can become,successful. But what I,said, make sure he,loves the products and,make sure you know the,product, and then you,can start offer value,around it. So how can,you find something to,promote? Well, let me,show you, so in order,to give you a few,ideas, I will first,download the free,ebook. You can get it,at 30 Corp com for,slash E book hit enter,,and there it is,promotes the best fit,of products in exchange,for a commission. I,scroll down is me as an,introduction.

If you,want to, you can read,it, but here are the,top 25 feet of products,they are in randomly,order. Uh, and they're,categorized. So here's,is web hosting.,SiteGround's blue host,and WP engine. What you,can see over here, you,can earn 50 to $500 for,every signup. If you,want to know more about,it, click over here.,And then it tells more,about the affiliate,program. 

Kinsa is web,hosting, and here you,can even make a,calculation. If you,refer 10 people for the,second,blend business to than,your monthly income,,the next February will,be $2,500 per month in,C. It will grow because,the people you sign up,,you have a recurring,commission with Beth.,So what could you do?,You could make a,website and talk about,gins to how amazing it,is. Of course, try it,out yourself, play,around with it. See if,it's really good and,they can make a blog,post about comparisons,,but other web hosting,platforms teach about,SSL blog posts about,putting back a back up,how to make your,websites secure, how to,do updates, how to do,our updates, write,about it like crazy.

 So,when people search for,it, can star get it,back up. They can find,your website. Let's go,back. What's the first,one web hosting,,LinkedIn learning. I,love this. You can,teach anything on the,internet what'd you can,do. You can make a,website on how to,remove the background,in a photo in,Photoshop. And then at,the end of the blog,post, you can say, if,you want to learn all,about Photoshop, get,the scores, and then,they can go to LinkedIn,learning.

 And when they,sign up through you,,you can earn up to $40,per monthly,subscription, or a,third of 5% of the sill,for an individual,course. So if somebody,buys a course that,costs $100, you can,give $35. And the great,thing with LinkedIn,learning, you,can learn about cinema,four D about blender,,about work, about,Photoshop, WordPress,,about almost anything,there is to know. So,what'd, you can do, you,can make instruction,,block posts. You can,make a website,completely focused on,Photoshop. And so,everything there is to,know about Photoshop,and then here at the,right, have a link to a,course about Photoshop,,a complete course. 

Then,they go through the,course, they have,questions. They ask the,questions to the course,maker, and that has,nothing to do with you,because you're just the,affiliates. You get,your $40 commission and,let's do the math. If,10 people per day would,get this course through,you, you will get $400,per day possible. Yes,,but again, a lot of,hard work and it,beginning what else you,dummy courses. So,courses and vital,elements as well. 

Also,what I like people that,want to make their,projects better, their,WordPress project or,their videos. They can,get so many images,,professional images,,professional videos,,plugins extensions for,one subscription fee.,And when people get,this, you get 50% of,commission. So if I,would go to Envato,elements, I scroll down,all the way I can go to,become an affiliate. I,can join over here,,take less than five,minutes. 

And here you,see, you can get $120,spur a new subscriber.,So again, the five,people per day, we do,this $500 per day. The,same goes,would involve the,market. Those are,standalone products.,And with the first,thing they buy, you get,30% commission. So it's,around $20 active,campaign, teach people,through an amazing,website, how they can,do email marketing with,FTA active campaign,,and you'll get 30%,recurring revenue on,the amount that people,spent on active,campaign. So I paid,$500 for the first,year. That will be $150,for you. So again, try,it. 

If you, if you're,really a fan of email,marketing and you want,to learn more about it,,get to know everything,there is about it, play,around with it and then,make a website about it,and write about it, how,amazing it is, what you,can do, how to add new,subscribers, manually,,how to import it to,Excel, how to export,your list, how to do,all kinds of things.,What you also can do,sign up for drip as an,affiliate or for,convert kits for the,best email marketing,tools, and then make,comparisons the top,five best email,marketing tools, and,then become an,affiliate with all of,them and then make a,website around it,,which when people sign,up through you to,Twitch, you can make,money Fiverr, where you,say to people, you,don't want to make your,own website. 

You want,other people to make it,for you. Well, go to,Fiverr and let someone,else do it for you, or,get an amazing voice,over,and send them to five.,Or you can get $5 per,sign up. So there are,so many things you can,do and you can find,them all here, like,going to Verde Corp com,forward slash ebook. 

Or,you can go to something,on YouTube or Google,,and let's say the best,thing or press 2020.,And then you find, something over here and,you see the best one is,B theme. Okay, let's,click on it. 

And then,how do we become a B,theme, affiliates, be,theme affiliate. And I,can click over here.,There's nothing found.,But what I know is that,the beef theme is a,theme forest B thing.,And then, you know, if,you become an affiliate,of ThemeForest, you can,promote this and you,can get money. And if,you want to know what,the best themes are,,popular themes over,here, either flat, some,be theme over here,,bridge, newspaper, and,folds. 

So in that way,,you can search on the,internet and see if you,can become an,affiliate. So there,were some ideas I hope,,you know, by now, uh,,how you can find,something you can,promote. So feel free,to go through the,internet, find,something you like,,maybe you're good at,already. And then start,to find an affiliate,product that you can,promote and play around,with it, get to know,it, get to love it. 

And,then we're going to,create a website about,it. What I have chosen,already, something I,want to promote Envato,elements. I talked,about it already. I,really love it. And I,think it's a beautiful,product that can,benefit a lot of,people. So what I want,to do now, I want to,sign up for involve,elements that are all,to become an affiliate.,And then I want to make,a website about it. So,make sure you know,,what what's want to,promote and then think,already about a domain,name you would like to,get, because we are,great a website and,that website will be,the, the, the framework,that will earn us,money. 

That will make,us money because we're,going to use our,website to place our,affiliate links, and,then they click on it,and then they buy,things. So that's how,it works. I will sign,up and I will show you,how to do is really,quick. If you have no,idea, you can also,promote a Vato,elements. So the first,thing I need to do, I,need to get a,subscription so I can,play around with it,,get it. And for sake of,this tutorial, I will,subscribe again.

 I can,go to Ferdy Corp com,forward slash E E. That,will be my affiliate,link. And I will show,you how you can create,your own affiliate link,in this tutorial. So,here I am, I can have,so many images, videos,,WordPress plugins.,This is amazing. You,pay only one time per,year or per month,,depending on what you,want. And then you can,use everything for a,limited times. So I get,the unlimited downloads,by clicking here a $14,50 per month. 

I click,on start now and I need,to create my first,name. Ferdinand's,Corpus hook, my email,,30th affiliate,marketing course, 30,affiliates. I need to,create a password. I,need to show another,row. Welts, send me,tips. If you want to, I,click on continue. I,need to fill in more,details and then I can,pay with PayPal. I,agree. Then I scroll up,and I want to pay one,time per year. So I say,50% and then I need to,pay for one year. So,does what we want on,that 74 euros. I click,on pay. Now, then I,will be redirected to,PayPal. I can agree,with everything and,then I can pay.,Awesome.

 It says,,hooray, I'm subtracting,and volatile elements.,I can click on it, get,started, or I can go to, I see all,these things over here,and I can get them. I,can download this if I,want to, and I can use,it. And now I want to,show others how they,can make use of this,amazing subscription.,So I scroll down and,over here, I say,,become an affiliate, or,I say, I see it. And I,click on it. I,can earn up to one hour,$20.

 I enjoy. Now it,takes less than five,minutes. You need to,fill in your language,,account, display name.,How do you want to be,shown your website? Uh,,you need to know which,websites you are going,to get, and then you,can fill it in over,there downstream. And,if you don't have a,website yet, and you,want to wait, you can,also wait for a while.,First, make your,websites at a few blog,posts already, and they,can enter your website,or apply to become an,affiliate. Virgin can,play around with it.,Uh, it's up to you,,fill in all these,information things and,go through step two,,three, four, a five,,and then as what we,reviewed and you can be,edits and then get an,affiliate link. 

I have,one. So if I go to,, I sign in,here's, everything I've,made. I made this $96,or euros this week. And,then here is my Envato,elements link. So if I,copied his link, my,base is somewhere on,Facebook or on my,website or on YouTube,or wherever I sent it,to through WhatsApp,,through friends and,they click on it and,they bite us. 

Now I get,my commission. So,that's how it works.,Don't be overwhelmed.,It can be overwhelming,to see, uh, a form like,this about, um, about,how to apply, just fill,in all the details, but,most important, uh, work on,your website. So you,can do this later. You,can do this. Now it's,up to you. So now I am,a member of Envato,elements. 

I have access,to all the stuff I am,and affiliates. So I,have an affiliate link.,Now it's time to create,a, the websites. So the,first three things we,need are a domain name,or web hosting. If you,have this already,,that's great. Then you,can skip this part. If,you don't have it. Let,me tell you what a,domain name is and what,a web hosting is. If I,would go to,, I hit,enter. What I see over,here is the website.,Facebook gum, I want to,see over here is the,domain name, a domain,name is the address off,a website. If Facebook,would not have a domain,name, it would look,something like this.,And this can be hard,for people to remember.,So a domain name is the,address of your,website. So what is web,hosting? Web hosting is,renting a space on the,internet are all your,files of your website.,The text, the emails,,the email accounts are,,all those things are,stored. So everything,you see over here,,discolored his logo. My,image images are,friends, videos.,They're all stored in,the web hosting. So,where you have a domain,name and web hosting,,people can find you on,the internet. And that,is what do we want with our,domain name and with,web hosting. So in,order to get a domain,name and web hosting,,let's go to web hosting,one to five, that gum,it enter, and then we,will be redirected to,say grounds. I love,SiteGround SiteGround,is in my opinion, the,best web hosting,provider there is. It's,not only my opinion.,There's a Facebook,group about the best,web hosting providers.,And SiteGrounds is,number one. Every year,,the websites are super,fast. The interface is,really easy to work,with. What I also,really love about,route. This is support.,You can open a chat,session, 24 seven,,sometimes want to do,get stuck. I opened the,chat session and almost,always, they help you,within in the few,minutes, or they want,to even solve a problem,for you. So you don't,have to do it yourself,because they're so sure,about their own,service. So if you,scroll down, there are,three packages to start,up back at the grow big,package and the goat,geek batch of business.,If you really have a,big business, things,are going great. Then,can upgrade to go geek.,I have to go geek,account. I want to,focus on startup and,grow BIC. The startup,package is for one,domain, so it can only,have one domain. One,website I see over,here, 10 gigabyte of,webspace, which is more,than enough, 10,000,visits, meter traffic,,free,SSL at someplace to,discuss money with,sacrament that is free,daily backups. So if,you mess up your,website, somehow you,can go to the backup of,the day before or two,days before or five,days before there's,free email. 

So you can,have your info at, and,then your domain email,address, which looks,more professional than,the GMO accounts. And,for all packages,,there's a 30 day money,back guarantee. If you,saw out, do not like,it, you can get your,money back. Oh, what's,the big difference,between the startup,land and the grow big,plan with the grow big,Ben, if more web space,,you can have more,visitors per month,bots. You can have a,limited domain names.,So here again, I have,only one website in,here. It can have a,limited website, so you,can buy like 20 domains,and get them all within,the grow big plant. So,I love this plan. So if,you're really sure you,only want to have one,website, then again,,choose a startup,package. And if you,know, you want to have,more websites, you can,have to grow big,Bakitch and there are,more options over here,you can have on the Mon,backups so he can push,a button and a new,backup will be created.,So you can do the,writing for your site,to edit the site or,update things. You will,have a faster site. You,can have staging. That means,again, you can change,things in your website,and they will not be,seen life until you,push a button. So you,can change a lot of,things in your website.,And when people entered,at the website at that,moment, they will not,see to change us. So as,something will go,wrong, it will not be,at the live website.,Unless you decide to,bring the changes to,the live website, those,are just really handy,and you can add,collaborators. So if,you make websites for,clients, we can have,them all on the, to,grow big batch, and you,can have collaborators,out of people, clients,that can enter their,information in their,website and edit their,website, and you can,charge them money for,web hosting. So that's,an option. I will go,with a grow big plan.,So I click here, I'll,get plan. And now we,can register a new,domain. And if you have,a domain name already,,you can click over,here, fill in the,domain name. I will,create a new domain,name and here he can,choose an extension. So,I say, let's come,,that's the best one or,the Mets, but the best,one And if,you're from a specific,bouncer, you can have,something like this,over here, I'm from the,Netherlands. So I can,have an L over here. So,I will go for this gum.,And I choose an oven,tutorial,because Envato and,tutorial and that's,gum. 

So I click on,proceed to see if it's,there yet. It says,,congratulations, domain,info. Tutorial is,available for,registration, which are,hosting accounts. So,people see us about,tutorials and people,can see if I see the,information, my website,is about Envato. So I,want to promote Envato,products. So in here, I,need to leave my email,address, which is 30 or,verse hook at Gmail,with gum. I need to,create a password and I,need to confirm the,password. I scroll down,client information. I'm,from the Netherlands,,my first name, my last,name, my company name.,And if you have a,company, you can use,your vets, techs ID.,And then the total,amount of Texas you,have to pay will be,subtracted from the,amount you have to pay.,So I will use mine. 

I'm,from the Netherlands.,I've a new address. So,when I fill in these,details, I can scroll,down. I can choose my,payment methods. And,the great thing about,SiteGround is that they,also make use of local,payment methods. So I'm,from a melon so I can,choose a Dutch payment,provider. I prefer to,use my credit card,details. And then I,scroll down and here is,the purchase,information who have,chosen the grow big,plan data center,,doesn't matter, they're,all really fast. And,then this really,important, the period,12 months, while your,domain name,is for 12 months. 

So I,suggest you also do 12,months of our posting.,And it says that it's,the best deal. After 12,months, you still can,get the 30% discount on,renewal. So this the,best way, 12 months,,and in one year of,doing affiliate,marketing, you should,be able to make back,this money easily. When,you really take action.,How I think for myself,,my whole business is,evolved around my,website. So I gladly,have my website every,year. I pay for it,lately, because thanks,for that website. I can,make thousands of,dollars per month,through affiliate,marketing. So your,website is a really,important asset in your,affiliate marketing,business. 

So I scroll,down, I have the domain,registration. I use,domain privacy,,otherwise a lot of spam,companies in spam you,with, Hey, buy this,,buy that, and you don't,want that. Okay? Then I,scroll down. I confirm,everything. If you want,to, you can receive,SiteGround news and,special offers. The,total amount is one 45,and yours. 

In my case,,it me, the bit,different for you. If,you got this through a,web hosting, one to,five with gum, you,don't pay more, but you,get 60% of discount and,I get credit for it. So,it's a win, win, win,situation. And then you,can click on pay now.,And now ladies and,gentleman, you've got a,domain name and,warehousing,,congratulations. The,next thing we need to do, we,need to click on,proceed to the customer,area. And now we're,going to install or,press in order to do,that. 

Click on the,orange button, set up,site, and now we can,start a new website,over here. I click on,start new websites. I,click on select and I,choose WordPress. I,need to set up some,login details. So I do,my own email address,and a password. You,better remember those,because you need those,to login into your,WordPress website. I,click on continue. I,don't need those. So I,click on finish. 

And,then it says, it takes,less than two minutes,to complete your,website creation. And,that gives me some time,to congratulate you.,You are a doer, and I,love that. And I hope,you are going to learn,a lot more from this,store and you start to,make money, truly,internet, which is,something amazing. So,meanwhile, we are,waiting. I will skip to,the point that we can,go to the next step.,And it says, you're all,set. While sometimes it,says something went,wrong.

 Come back later,about, in that case,,you can go to websites,,let me do it in a new,step. And then over,here can click on site,tools and then you're,over here. You need to,be here. Or in my case,,you can login over here,or go to the site,tools. What,I want to go to,recital. So I click,over here and then I go,to this area, what I,want to do first. I,want to make our,website secure. So I go,to security, SSL,manager. And if I go to,this domain, I select,that's encrypt. I click,on get. And if you have,that already, that's,okay. 

Sometimes you,have it already. You,will see to the over,here and below. I don't,have it yet. So I will,choose that the domain,name and then let's,encrypt. And we have,that. Then your website,becomes secure like,this. Otherwise it says,not secure and people,do not trust the,website. So it's a good,thing to do this first.,And I would say is less,encrypt it's installed,for N VAT tutorial.,Okay. Then I go to,actions over here and I,say, air force H it's,BS. And I enforce it.,And that's it. Also.,Now I go to WordPress,,install a manage, and,then I scroll down and,out of here at. 

I click,on actions, login to,the admin panel. I want,to skip the starter,sites. Are I click on,exit and ladies and,gentleman, here we are.,And our website, we,just got it from,SiteGround ends already,life, which is amazing.,The upside is secure,with an thought,tutorial. 
That's come.,And we are here in the,backend of our website,with a backend and the,front desk. The,front end is what the,visitors will see that,entered the website.,The backend is where,you can configure our,website. 

So I want to,show it to front dance.,How can I go through,the front ends? You,click over here, my,WordPress, and this is,the website. So far,,everybody that goes to,this domain or through,your domain at this,moment will enter this,website. It looks,really ugly. We're,going to make it,beautiful, but let me,tell you a bit about,the front end, the back,end, and this bar over,here, when you're,logged in, you see it,as bar at the top, we,are not locked in. So I,go to Safari and I,paste the link. I do,not see it bar.

 I see,the website. When,you're logged in, you,can go and edit your,profile. You can go to,the backend. You can,customize the theme,depending on the theme,you have. There are,different customization,options. We're going to,talk about it. You can,answer comments. Great,,great. And in post,media page or user,Aiken, purchase sacrum,cash. When you have the,grow bigger accounts,,but I want to go to my,backend and here we can,create a beautiful,website. We have the,dashboards. If there,are updates for themes,or plugins, you can,click over here and you,see them all and you,can update them. We can,create block posts and,categories. 

We can have,media like PDFs,,images, documents. We,can create pages like,the homepage. The about,page, the contact us,page. We get another,eight comments from,people that comment on,our tutorials or our,blog posts or whatever.,Then there's the,appearance here. We can,choose a different,theme and every theme,has their own settings.,So based on the theme,,you see more options,over here. We have,plugins logins, give,your website, actually,our functionalities,,like a Facebook like,box or a page builder,or a social share,login. We're going to,talk about that. You,can have more users, so,other people can write,blog posts for you. 

If,you hired them or,whatever we're going to,do itself. In the,beginning, there are,tools. There are,settings of the website,and there are some,ground optimizer or the,third thing I want to,do. I want to go to,logins hour to clean up,the website a bit. So I,click over here. I,check both plugins by,clicking here, build,actions, the activates,,or the act faith, both,plugins apply. Then I,select this again and,build actions delete,,apply. So there are no,plugins. Then I go to,the pages. I select,this area.

 So select,all pages, build,actions, move through,the trash, apply trash,,empty the trash.,Awesome. Then I go to,the posts. I go through,the trash and I emptied,it thresh. Then I want,to go to the dashboard,and click on dismiss by,collapse, everything.,So it looks a bit more,organized. Then I want,to go over here. and I,click on edit profile.,I want to walk through,these options so you,can change the look, a,few of the backend,,like the default one.,What I want to do over,here. 

First name, last,name, and then I can,have a nickname. I can,change it. And then,over here, displaying,named publicity right,now, it says, how do,Ferdi corpse or edgy,model? So when I write,a blog post, it will,say written by Furtick,dot com. I'd rather,have my full name over,here. So display named,publicity S Verde,Corpus hook. 

And he,fetches this,information from this,area. My first name,,last name, email,address. And my email,address is linked to a,Gravatar account. What,does it mean here?,Below my profile,picture is linked to,fairly corpse at Gmail,,and you can do it over,here. So if you open,this, you can create an,account over here,,upload an image, and,then all the time you,use your email address,,your image will appear.,

So I think that looks,better and we can,generate the new balls,,or if you want to, and,here we can update our,profile. So now it says,howdy for the corporate,hook, instead of that's,com, then we can go to,the settings general,here. He can give your,site a title,I can say, and photo,tutorials make your,digital project better,,something like that, or,what you can do. And,based here at the tech,line. 

And it says, in a,few words, explain what,this site is about. So,I can also change the,title over here. And,remember the title is,really important,because, uh, Google,searches for titles and,websites, and those,words are extra,important. So use a few,keywords. If you want,to.

I want to be found,on Envato and tutorials,learn how to, and then,I can base this text.,So you need to play,around with that and,video and audio,tutorial. So I can say,,and photo explained,something like that. I,leave it with info,tutorials here. I want,to change this to an S,H P S S. You can change,the times Ana you can,change the date four,months, time, four,months. And I leave,,Oh, as this. If I say,the changes, since I,use HPS over here, I,need to log in again.,So I save the changes,and I don't need to log,in with the details I,have created over here.,Now I need to log in,again, but the details,I filled in over here,,sorry, I will do that,login. 

And there I am,,again, what all to do,now. I want to make use,of a theme and the page,builder and the theme.,We can get it over,here. If you go to 30 Corp,that's com forest slash,cadence, it enter. And,since we're talking,about a fitted,marketing, this isn't,affiliate marketing,links are you see my,referral code over,here. So when you would,buy the pro version, I,would get a commission,,but in this store,,we're going to focus on,the free version. So I,click on free download.,Doesn't say, no,,thanks. I just want to,download the theme or,Italy for details and,you get updates and,stuff just downloads.,So there it is. Then I,go to appearance,themes. 

I click on add,new upload theme. And,then I direct this over,here. I click on,install now and I click,on activate. So we have,a new theme. So if I,would go to the,website, you see it,looks different, the,sale, exactly, but,we're going to make,something beautiful.,Then I go to the back,end and I want to get,the element of page,builder. So we're going,to use a free theme and,the free page builder,and create a beautiful,website. 

How can we do,that? Oh, you can't go,to Ferdi Corp that's,com forward slash ELA,mentor hit enter. Then,you can go and click,on, get started. Do you,have a WordPress,website? Yes, I do. You,can check it, but what,you also can do, the,simpler way is go to,plugins, add new and,search for Allah,mentor. You don't,have to hit enter. It,will update,automatically in there.,This element or page,builder, more to 5,million active,installations. It's,crazy plus updated.

One,day ago. Elementor is,taking over the,WordPress world. It's,amazing what they're,doing. Really nice,people. We're working,really hard to give you,the best tool to make a,website. And we're,talking about the free,version, but you'll see,as essential elements,that gives you even,more elements within,Elementor and it's,free. 

So click on,install now, also over,here, essentially,announce for element or,when it's installed. I,click over here on,activate. Then I go to,plugins and over here I,say, activate, awesome.,I say, no, thanks. I,don't want to use the,pre-made websites. And,now there's an update.,So I can go over here,to updates or I can,click over here. 

And I,see there's a new,version of the cadence,thing. I check it,,update theme. Awesome.,I will do it by logo,over here. So if I,click on customize and,then I go to Heather,and there is the logo,,but I have a logo that,says, I want this,tutorial to be as free,as possible. 

I can go,to 30 Corp com forward,slash logo maker. Like,that's what I was an E.,And now we can create a,logo. Well, I have a,complete tutorial about,it. You can follow that,over here. If you want,to, I will just,show you a simple automated, the simple,logo. So I click over,here. I call this and,the VA and the FA,tutorial. What all to,do now with enter,,click over here. Let me,see, where are you?,Duplicated, double,click over here.

 I call,this and the fire and,this one tutorial, and,I want to remove this,area of here. I remove,it by click on the, I,double click on empha,and I say, double click,and the fire. And then,I remove this one. I,click on the, I bring,this back in here. I,say to tutorial,,Dettor, we'll bring,this a bit to the,right, like this double,click, double click on,empha, and I can choose,something else. 

I like,a real way. So I leave,it with that and I want,to make it bolts. Now,we'll do take a look,at, and the Vato that's,come. I want to grip,the scholar using color,picker, and I have,copied the coat. And I,want to base that code,over here. Change the,color a bit. I don't,want to copy it too,much, but I want to,keep in those in the,green area because I'm,promoting something,that has to do with a,lot of green color. So,I want to maintain the,cell a bit. 

I copied a,code. Okay. And over,here, I want to make,this gray blue with,gray. Let me see, go to,the right, the darker, not,too dark. And, um, I,like it. Maybe I can,make this a bit thicker,and the other way, you,know, I like the way it,is just a simple logo,to get started over,here. 

I need to crop it,Allen, to bring it as,close to the logo as,possible. Maybe I can,do command or control,plus not working the,enter. Okay. That's,great. Then I click on,the save logo area and,I download the lower,row, low resolution,fell there. That goes,,okay. I want to rename,this show in finder,,call this logo and fire,tutorial. 

And then I,want to do something,else. I want to click,over here, make it,white and click over,here. Also make it,white and then click,on, save again,,download the root low,resolution fell. And,then I say logo and the,fire tutorial, white,like this. I like this.,Then I go here to my,logo. I choose one,select fouls. And I go,to my downloads and my,reasons one, which is,the colored one I,selected. 

And I skipped,the cropping. There it,is. I can even make it,a bit bigger. Then over,here, I say, I want to,only show logo, logo,,braids, and the lady we,can use the white logo.,And now I will leave it,as it is. 

Click on,publish, go back and go,back. What I want to,do. I want to,grade a few pages right,now. We have the,homepage over here. So,what I want to do, I,close this. I want to,go to the menus.

 I want,to create a new menu,and you can call this,whatever you want to,,as long as you can,remember which menu it,is so we can call this,uncle, Jim, nobody will,see this uncle came,also, but I call this,main menu and I want to,assign his main menu to,the primary area in the,theme I click on next.,Now I want to add a few,items which are pages.,So I'll add a new,beach, gold home. 

Then,I want to have a page,gold tutorials. I can,have page gold block.,If you answer, you can,have a page called,contacts or contact us.,You can have page,called about us if you,want to buy nuts about,,and they're all added,to the menu and here,you can change the,menu. So I can bring,this up by dragging it,like that. 

I can even,create a sub, get a sub,menu so I can put,tutorials on their,blog. So if I go to the,right a little bit, you,see it like that. And,if I would publish it,,you see does arrow over,here. There are the,orals. If I would say,contacts also over,there, you have those,like that. 

And I can,also even bring this,somewhere and,it would look like,that, but you don't see,that anymore. So I'm,bringing back all back,,but then 

that way you,can have more levels in,your menu. I don't want,to show you homepage. I,take a,If I go to a certain,page, I want to go back,to the homepage. I,click on the logo.,That's what I want for,my website. So I don't,need to homepage all my,website to be intuitive,and don't want to have,extra unnecessary,links. 

If I go to my,affiliate marketing,website as really,simple one, two, three,,four different links,,not like 10,000. Of,course, if you go to,tutorials, there are a,lot, but I want my,website to be simple,,not too many links,,just enough links to,get the job done. And I,want people of course,,to go and create,amazing websites and go,to the links where I,can make money when,they buy the things I,promote this whole goal,of affiliate marketing.,So I am happy. 

I go,back and go back and I,go to the homepage,settings. I change it,from your latest posts,to aesthetic page. And,the homepage is the,homepage. And the posts,page is the block base,page. Okay. I want to,go to the Heather. I,like this story. It is.,I go back. I want to go,to general layout. This,all looks fine. I want,to get rid of this,area.

 Let me see, where,can I do that? Pagely,out turn off. And then,I click on publish,,close it. And I will,look like this. I want,to change a few more,things. So I click on,customize again, and I,go to the page layout.,I want a page to be,full with. Awesome. And,the content cell to be,unboxed like that. Then,I want to go to the,footer and then there's,the CUPE right area.,And I like it could be,right over here and,photo tutorials,,WordPress theme. I,don't want that. Get,rid of that. 

So right,now, copyright 25 in,between and Vato,tutorials. Awesome.,Then I can go to this,whole row, click over,here, go to these,Island and let me see,,I can change the,background color. 

Now.,I want to have,something greenish. So,let me see like that,and maybe a bit darker.,Okay. Then I go to the,,let me see to this area,again, to design font.,I want it to be white,like that. I get a bit,smaller at a website,,so you can see how it,looks right now. I,think this looks,beautiful. I click on,publish. I close this,area and this is how,our website looks right,now. We have a nice,logo.

 If you take a,look at Tony Robbins or,Brendon or Ferdie, just,simple logos like this,,and they have million,dollar industries or,businesses,,and this guy also has a,nice business. That's,making enough money to,do nice things and save,a little bit of money.,So one more thing. I,want this to be in,capitals. How can I do,that? Customize. I go,to the Heather,navigation.

 I go to the,design and then let me,see navigation font,pick over here, stale,size. And I want to,transform it to upper,case and maybe make it,a bit bigger. You see,it's updating,immediately. I like 20,now 18. I like it,publish. That's how,easy this all with free,stuff. Of course,,except for web hosting.,But besides that, we're,doing a lot of free,things and I re I'm,really happy with the,results. So what we're,going to do now, we're,going to create a,homepage. 

So I click,over here and then I go,to the homepage. I,click on edit page and,I want to use element,or to edit the page. So,I click on edit with,Elementor and now we,can edit our home page.,So here we have the,element or page,builder, and this is,not an in depth,elemental tutorial. I,will just show you how,you can create a,beautiful website. I,will not go into every,detail of element or,I've altered orals for,that. 

I just want to,show you how we can,make a website using,Elementor. Well, here,,you see a lot of,elements, an,image, a video posts,gallery, and you can,drag them all into the,biller except the pro,versions, which are,these ones. So I close,that, but the general,ones, and we also added,a different plugin,,which was essential,announce. And we can,also drag those over,here. So what I want to,do, I want to show,people that go to my,website, what this site,is all about. 

So I want,to create a new,section. We have,sections. Let me show,you real quick. In,those sections, we can,have columns. So if I,click over here, I have,one section, which is,the blue area. And then,the gray area is three,columns. And then in,those columns, we can,add elements. So three,areas, section the,section is columns and,columns have elements,of button and all those,elements can be,adjusted. You can,change the contents. 

So,here can change the,text. We can change the,cell so we can change,the background of the,button. And then we,have advanced options.,And also with different,elements, we have the,content type, your,text, then the style.,So we can say, let's,have a beautiful red,color, make it bigger,,make it uppercase, make,it thinner, bring it to,the center, change that,line item and,everything is so easy,to change. 

And that's,,I love about Elementor,and if I think, Hey, I,want to have a less,columns, not three, but,two, five miles, click,delete. Then in the,section, I can go,through the stale and I,can give it a,background color like,that. So maybe I want,to make it on dark,blue. Then I wanted to,go through the text,over here. I want to,make the text color,white. Since we have,dark backgrounds or we,can make it a gradient.,So I can have one color,over here. And the,second color over here,,I can play around with,the angle. 

And then,that way you can create,beautiful websites. So,that's a real short,story about the basics,of Elementor and I all,to create something for,real. So I click on the,plus. I want to have,only one column. Then I,go through the section,settings here at the,layout, and I want to,go to the Heights and,say, I want to have a,minimum height of 400,pixels. They don't want,to go through the stele,and they're not going,to have a background,type. I want the,gradient, I select the,color and I want the,same color as a logo.,So I base it over here.,This looks really ugly,in my opinion. And then,the second color I copy,and paste from my,notes. I can place over,here. I can change the,angle to 90. 

And that's,what I like. It's in,the same style as the,logo. If I want to use,certain colors, a,lot in the websites,,let me click on update.,Then I can click over,here. 
I go to the site,settings and global,colors. So the accent,color, I want it to be,this one. And the,primary color is this,green color. And then,the secondary color is,okay like that.

 I drag,it to the left all the,way and the text also,make it a bit darker.,And if I wanted to add,a certain color, let's,say every Heather,should have this color.,I can do that. And then,if I update it and I,close this and go back,to the section, there's,a stale. Now I can,click over here and I,can grab a global,color. 

So here's a,primary one and the,accent color, or if I,want to, I can use a,header color over here.,So that's really nice,that helps you to work,more efficient. And now,I want to add a header,over here and the,header is really,important. So if I go,to all the elements,clicking here, I can,drag a Heather over,here and let me go to a,few websites,,

 The header,is so important. This,area, what people will,see when they answer,your website is so,important because will,make people leave your,website or take action.,And we want people to,take action. So if you,say, um, welcome to our,website, it's it says,actually nothing. You,want people to direct them,the right way.

 If you,say something like this,and bring it through,the center, it's not in,2000 and it was nice to,do this and now it's,not anymore. So let me,see. I go to,The first thing I see,iPhone, lots of love,lesser spent starting,at three 99. I see an,image of an iPhone, and,maybe I'm convinced I,want to buy, or maybe,I'm not convinced I can,click on learn more. So,there are two options,,two big call to actions,besides the menu. 

So,this is interesting.,You were not to come,one line, a sub-line,and a call to action,and more information.,So again, call to,action. Like I D I,definitely want to sign,up as a, you were,partner or out of more,information. So again,,two options. So a text,subtext and call to,action and learn more.,So let's follow what,these guys are doing.,So what I want to say,over here, I'm not a,good techs writer. I,still make a lot of,money with affiliate,marketing. 

So even if,you're another good,test writer, you can,still do that. I will,go to Verde Corp. Let's,come. Fortunately,Envato because there I,will DVD or redirected,to this page. And I,click on get unlimited,downloads because I,want to learn more,about and elements.,What can I say on my,website that will,motivate people to,get F auto elements,,millions of creative,assets, unlimited,downloads? 

Well, I'm,not a fan of copying,texts, one on one, but,I'm a fan of getting,inspiration from,certain hair out. So,high quality SS to,elevate your product,project. And on this,website, I want to,learn how to implement,I quality assets. What,does it say to Ella,,your projects,,something like that,,uh, for your, in your,case, you can create,your own text, but what,I like to do, I go to,the product. 

I want to,promote, see what they,are saying. They hire,people to write the,best lines and we can,learn from that,millions. So I can also,say, learn how to mend,,implement millions or,limited. 

I call it the,assets to elevate,projects. Okay. Bring,it through the center.,I go to the stale. So,here we can change the,content at the Sao,style can change the,text. I bring it to,white typography. I,want to make it a bit,bigger. I want to,change it to upper,case, and I want to,change the weight to,three hundreds. Okay.,Then I want this word,to be at the second,line. So I go to,advanced. Then I want,to uncheck this area.,Cornell's I will check,it. And then at the,right, I increase the,area until yes, it goes,like that to the second,line, let's say 45.,Then I uncheck this,area at the,top. 

I say zero. And at,the bottom, I also say,zero. So now we have,two lines over here and,I like it. Learn how to,implement unlimited,high quality assets to,elevate your projects.,Um, it can be a little,bit weird, like, uh,,maybe people do not,understand exactly what,you're saying, but, um,,it's up to you. 

What,kind of text you want,to have over here? And,then I want to have a,call to action. So I go,back to the elements by,clicking here, and I,want to add a button.,So I drag it over here.,And then I want to have,a default button with a,text, learn more, and,the link will follow,later. I'll bring it to,the center. 

I can have,,I can, if I want to, I,don't do that. I go to,Stell. And then for the,background color, I,want to use a global,color, which is the,primary one, or, you,know, I don't want to,use it because it's,interfering with the,backgrounds. 

I want to,have my own color,,which should be,transparent. So this,bar below will make,your backgrounds,transparent that should,see over here. So now,you see don't, don't,see any backgrounds. So,I want to add a border,type, which we solids,,and then you get,something like this. I,like that. 

Then I go to,the topography. I want,to make the text a,little bit,bigger, learn more. And,now we have a button. I,click on updates. I go,to the advanced area,,closes, and then I want,to go to positioning,,change the width to,inline. And that was,what looked like that.,Right? Mouse click,duplicate. If I want to,have editing handles,over here, I click over,here and go through the,user preferences. And I,turn this on. 

So now I,can just hover,overthink to that can,duplicate them. So if I,would hover over here,and I click here at,duplicated, or I hover,over here and I can,remove it, then I click,on the duplicated,button and I changed,the text to block. Then,I go to link and I hit,block on the keyboards.,And then I find the,block page. Okay. What,I don't like is that,this is not in the,center. So I click on,this area of the,column. 

And then, and,the column style, I,say, the horizontal,aligned should be in,the center. Then I go,to this area, I go to,advanced and F margin.,I uncheck this area and,at the left, I want to,increase it with then,pixels and that you see,it stays in the center.,So that's what I like.,Now, when I hover over,it, you see nothing. So,I go back over here to,Stell. Then there's,hover. What I can do,when people hover over,it, I can have the,background color like,this. 

So when you hover,over it, you see the,color or you can just,make it black and then,more transparent. Yup.,And then you can have a,hover animation and,make it grow. I like to,still here. I don't see,that. How can I copy,this tail? Right. Mouse,click copy. Right?,Mouse, click paste the,cell. Now I need to at,the margin again at the,left. So I say Dan,again. Perfect. What I,know is that there is a,big gap over here, so I,can click over here. I,can go to advanced. And,then I, the margin at,the bottom, I decrease,the value. 

My wife,always says, I say the,word value, wrong way.,It's just the way it is,avail you. I do my,best, but I guess, you,know what I mean? And,then I want to go do,Stel topography that,wants to increase the,line item. And since,we're talking about the,field marketing, I got,an email that somebody,bought Elementor pro,and I made $24 50 by,adding value to this,visitor, by creating a,tutorial or a blog post,about elementary pro.,So this is how you make,money with affiliate,marketing. 

And the more,people you reach, the,more money you'll make,,if you will reach,millions, you'll make,millions is a nice,saying. I believe in,it. I want to reach,more people. That's why,I create all those,tutorials. And I want,to help other people,together where they,want to be. If I help,them, somehow I will,come nothing short. So,,okay. What else do they,say over here? High,quality SSO elevator,product. And there are,more than 51 million,photos you can choose,from. So what I want to,do, I go back over,here.

 I searched for a,counter and it's,available over here.,And I drag it here,below in this blue,area, which highlights,when you hover over it.,And that is a counter.,So what I'll do is say,51 and then over here.,Oh, I'm sorry. Starting,with zero ending with,51. And then the number,suffix will be M,million and then over,here to title photos.,Okay.

 Then let me see,how to duplicate is a,column. So here I say,,I don't have to do them,all. I just want to,have the most important,ones like a video. So I,can say I'm on 0.1,,sorry. Again, 1.1,million videos and I,can lower the animation,duration. So what I,like to do over here,,it's two seconds over,here. 

It's 30 seconds,then at applicated.,Again, what else can I,say over here? I say,470 Gaye, audio fouls.,And one more graphics,,for instance. Yeah, I,say 36 K gets four,seconds or five. And,here four and here,three and here two,audio files. No, I was,talking about graphics,update. So if I,click on the eye over,here, I can preview the,changes and it all,looks nice. What I want,to do, I want to click,on the section, go to,advanced and increase,the margin a bit. Let's,say 2020 on top 20 at,the bottom. Then I,click over here. 

I want,to make it, um, less,black. So a text color.,I click on default and,I go for the text area.,So there'll be a little,bit more gray. Then I,go to typography. I,want to make it a,little bit smaller.,Let's say 50. And I,want to change the,order or the JC color,to green. So I can also,say that primary color.,And then the second,color title, that one,will be this right,mouse, click copy,basis. They'll a stele,and base the stale. 

So,we have something nice.,But how does it look on,a different device? I,click over here and I,click on tablets. And,now it's three lines.,Well, actually I like,it, but I also can do a,click over here and,click on topography.,And over here, I see,the tablet size. I can,change it. So there'll,be two lines. And then,I go to the mobile,version. 

And again, I,can click over here and,I can make it look like,that. That's the way,how we can optimize,your website. So this,is how it looks. And,what I see over here,is that the edges,around here, but here,are the edges totally,at the left. So how can,I fix that? Well, we,can do two things here,in the element, or I,click over here. I go,to the site settings,and I go to the layout,and then I go again to,the desktop version and,here it says 1140.,Okay. Let's make it 10,20 updates. 

Then I want,to go to the website,,take a look over here.,So now it's smaller as,you see over here, but,the still wide, how can,you fix that? Go,through your theme,settings in our case or,my case that Gayden's,theme. I go to general,layout and there it is,1290. 

So let's, uh,,there's a small bark.,If I would say one,zero, that's something,where it's the best,thing you can do is,just play around with,it over here and let's,make it 11, 20 publish.,Close it. Go back to,Elementor. And there,also go through the,settings, sorry, site,settings layout, make,it 1120. Awesome. So,this is what we have,made so far. What I,want to do. I want this,page, a home page to be,an overview of our,latest blog posts, but,we have no blog posts,yet. 

So if I take a,look at my website 30,or so, it looks simple.,My name over here, web,hosting, tutorials,,templates, and,resources, then hi,,I've heard of,your WordPress tutor,begin here. And when I,click on begin here as,a call to action, and,then what kind of,website do we want to,make? Well here below,you see my recent,tutorials. 

So when,people arrive at this,website, they,immediately see recent,tutorials and also,here, so they can learn,things. And when they,learn things true, me,,maybe do my things,through my affiliate,links. And that's how,you can make money,through affiliate,marketing. So that's,it. And then here an,affiliate disclaimer,,and people can,subscribe my Reese,tutorial. 

So not a lot,of information, just,enough to get people,going to the right,place. So that's what I,want to do over here,about us, because in,the beginning, people,maybe want to know who,you are. I, um, I have,not any more because,people know who I am,through YouTube and,through YouTube. A lot,of people go to my,website and I don't,want to distract them,with who I am. I just,want to help them to,grow here and follow,tutorials, learn things,through blog posts, but,it's an option, but I,don't want to distract,them with too many,links over here. So,block tutorials,,contact. I like it.,Now.

 It's time to grade,our first blog post,because we're going to,create a lot of blog,posts where we'll learn,people, how they can,work with and photo,elements. And there are,so many,assets and about all,those assets, we can,make tutorials if we,want to. But, um, I,closed this. What we,can do talking about an,Vato. 

We can make a lot,of different blog posts,about us to give you an,example. We can make a,blog post called the,best unlimited footage,subscription. Then,there are a few ads.,And if you scroll down,top eight best stock,,video subscriptions,,stark, all those stuff,,all those things over,here, and we'll do,people. 

They create a,blog post 10 best stock,video sites for,royalty-free footage.,You click out over,here, reading time,,story blocks, art grid.,And what'd you see over,here, this is an,affiliate link. So if I,would click over here,,you see all those,things over here,,affiliate. And when I,buy this, now this guy,from this website can,say commission. So they,offer value. They give,the top 10 best things,you can get. And then,all those things are,affiliate links. And,again, if I go to I,stock photo, for,instance, this is where,I get my professional,images. I searched for,affiliate what you see,affiliate partners. You,can click over here and,you get 20% on every,purchase. So if I see a,nice image, let's say,Amsterdam, and I want,to get this image. It,costs nine euros. You,get two euros. If you,sent me to this,website, abide it. But,some images are like,100 euros. And then you,get 20 euros for that,or dollars depending on,the currency. So you,can sign up for it. And,that's how it works. So,what you can do, you,can make a blog post,with the best online,stock images, stock,image, or stock,footage, websites. What,you also can do. I get,images from AXA Bay,that's com and those,are free. So what you,also can do best or,resources for free,stock footage or stock,photos, say again, a,few ads and then top 10,sites with free stock,footage. So let's see,on splash and you see,all those.

 So what you,can do, you can write a,blog post about it. And,when they see your free,things, they go,through, they come,through your website,and now I can think,,Hey, I like this. You,know, maybe he has,more, um, content that,I like. So what you,will do, you will write,a lot of blog posts. So,people will go through,your website. And the,more blog posts you,create them. The longer,people will stay on,your website because,the quality of your,website is really good.,Of course, the better,you will rank in,Google. 

So in the,beginning, it can take,a while before it,starts to make money.,But when you keep,persevering, you will,become more successful.,The hardest thing in,affiliate marketing is,the first sale away and,get the first,sale. The second sale,will be easier. And,these days I have a lot,of sales per day. 

Hi,,even, uh, turn off the,email notifications,because I'm getting,emails all day long and,that's what can happen,in a few years. When,you persevere, I worked,really hard. Now I'm,taking it a bit more,easy because I was,moving and all that,stuff. And that's how,it can be in five,years. Your life can be,completely different,when you decide to put,a lot of effort in it,and you can do this,besides your work, you,don't have to give up,your work, just do it,an hour, a day. Writing,blog posts, make it a,fun process, you know,,uh, go to these,websites, see how they,write things. 

See, take,a look at websites and,how many likes you,have, and also let,people reply on your,blog posts when they do,that, it's good for the,Google search results.,And what else do they?,They use images. They,use links. They use a,certain color, this,color in their website,and here at the top. Or,do you see reasons,posts get a glories,link, a faded link,affiliate link, or this,is a at links. So when,I click on this, they,get money. 

Even if I,buy something or not,Vimeo. So that's how he,can make money. By the,way, we have not talked,about, uh, at sands,,but you can make so much money,with AdSense. We have a,successful blog posts.,So this the best is,still to come. We're,going to great, our,first block posts and,how can we do that? But,I just talked about how,we can get some ideas,for blog posts. What I,like to use for things,,just information about,a certain project. So,you can talk, create a,blog posts about Envato,elements or about sound,effects. So we can dive,deep into every,subject. So you can,talk about photos would,evolve elements. 

You,can talk about music,,sound effects, video,templates, and just,talk about it's the,benefits, uh, what does,it cost? How can you,use it? How can you,implement it? How do,you sign up? Then you,can compare with others,like the top 10 best,free stock footage or,the top 10 best music,websites. If I click,here, you can use it,for any project when,you have a subscription,over here. So again,,really make a happy,block posts about that.,Learn people, show,people what they can,make, and you can even,show examples. And then,your websites where you,can have an audio,failure, your website.,I will talk about it,later. 

Then you can,make a pro and con,video, like what is,great about info,elements or what's,great about the music,and Envato elements.

,What's not great. You,can say what I don't,like is that I,don't know whatever you,want to say about it.,As long as you write,about it and the viewer,or the reader gets a,value from it. And then,the fourth one is,,should you get an info,element subscription,,something like that.,Should you buy this?,Should you get that?,What they did not tell,you about fr elements,make compelling titles,and then really good,content.

 Don't, don't,create crappy content,,make every blog post,,like it's a masterpiece,like, wow, this is such,a beautiful blog post.,That's what I tried to,do with my videos. I,focus more on videos in,my, in my affiliate,marketing journey. So,if I take a look at my,videos, if I click over,here, the first thing I,wanted to do, I want to,show people that I have,a lot of subscribers. I,would show people that,uterus recognize me. I,want to show that I'm a,family, man. I want to,give people good,quality, good audio. So,the first impression is,immediately like, okay,,awesome. So 82 people,liked it. Two people,,my competitors disliked,it probably neither,know if they're my,competitors, but that's,what I want to do. So,let's say gluc at WP,beginner. That's gum. I,think he's a great,example. He makes,millions, as far as I,know how to password,protect your WordPress,forms. Okay. And then,here at the right, you,see useful WordPress,guys, seven best,WordPress backup,plugins. And then over,here again, the first,one, if I click on it,,there's an affiliate,link over here. So a,lot of information,after, plus it's the,most popular, free,WordPress backup, blah,,blah, blah pricing.,It's free and you can,have premium for $70.,So let's take a look.,People click over here,because a lot of people,visit this website. And,now I go to updraft,plus, and I scroll down,and I want to see what,is this guy making when,I buy this so I can,search for affiliate. I,don't see it. So what,can I do? I can search,for up thrift plus the,affiliate. And then,Google will help me,here. 

It is. Okay.,Well, that's it say,30%. So calculations,calculator, $70 times,0.3, you get $21 when,you promote updraft,plus, and you write a,blog post about the,seven best ones. And,it's the rule of,numbers. When a,thousand people will,watch his website or,what's his page blog,posts, and 10% buys it.,That means that 100,people will buy it,anyway, $2,000. Uh, I,don't know if it's 10%,,maybe it's one, let's,say 1% while they have,$200 and it's only one,blog post or only one,item in the blog posts.,So you better start,writing and talking,about writing. I'm from,the Netherlands. My,writing is not the,best. So what I have,done, I use Grammarly.,I have a tutorial about,it. So if you search,for grammar, the,tutorial here's mine,four months ago, not,that much fuse 30,minutes in that,tutorial. And then that,way I can also learn,how to write. So now I,know where to put,commas and stuff. So we,are not native English.,You could, or when you,are, you could watch,this adorable older,outworks. And of course,I have an affiliate,link over here. So I,also make money when,people get a Grammarly,through my affiliate,link. 

So that's how it,works, offer a value,,help other people, and,then you will make,money. So let's create,our first book post I,have over new and I,click on posts. And I,know that this is the,moment where you can,get stuck. You made a,website, it looks nice.,And they were like,,okay, now I need to,write something. I,don't know how now it,get stuck.

 And I know,that feeling, I, for my,YouTube channel, I had,the idea already for a,long time, but finally,,as a few years I,started doing it and,now I'm reading,,reaping the benefits.,So make yourself do it.,What you can do. You,can go to YouTube and,watch Jim Rone, Jim,Rome videos. He's a,great motivational,speaker. This is the,best video. Yeah, it's,amazing. Or you search,for a motivational,video or speech and,then juice get started.,So what I will do, I,have not prepared this.

 I,will just show you what,I do. I would like to,say Envato elements,review 2020, or if it's,later 20, 21. And then,I searched for and auto,elements review 2020,,and let's see what,comes up, not the ads,open, open, and again,,do not copy, but you,can read it, see the,pros and cons, see how,they set it up, make,sure later on that,people will share it or,they can share it. I,will show you how we,can do that. 

See,images, text headers.,So this is how we can,create a blog post. But,I also personally like,this when there is, um,,when the blog post is,with a white background,and then there's a,space over here. So,we're going to do,something like that. a,little bit the same. I,really don't like this,website. This scrolling,is really weird. So I,would, I would, I would,not go to this website.,Look, this, this is too,overwhelming. 

I don't,like it. I didn't like,this first offer,available. Then ask for,my email address. So,here there will be a,blog posts with images,,titles, links, links,,links, a lot of,information. And, uh,,what ha what helps is,when you are passionate,about the project. So,play around with the,project, use things in,the project, uh, in,using elements or,whatever you promote,and then write about,it, but also get help.,Uh, I know making,videos is harder than,writing and blog posts,,but if you shoot make a,life video, record,yourself, 

you can do,that using QuickTime,and then just, uh, play,around with it and,start talking about,what you're doing. And,when you do that, you,find out that you can,talk a lot about,everything that you can,do it and follow,elements. So what I,could do, I could make,a blog posts, how to,sign up for a of,elements and then,record it and then let,somebody type it out or,type it out yourself.,It's a time challenging,over it's it's time,consuming. So you can,do the true fiber. You,pay a few dollars and,then people can write,it out for you. And you,can use that as the,basis for your blog,posts, but I want to,write for myself. So,the first question is,what is Envato,elements? So I searched,for what is inviro,elements. 

If elements,is an element of,subscription service,,where digital asset,status to the needs of,agencies, these, okay,,I do not copy this like,copy, but I can say,,and father elements is,a subscription service,that enable you to,create high end,products like videos,,websites, sites,,presentations, eBooks,,and other digital,products. The great,thing is that you pay,one amount per month or,a year, and you can,,and you will have a go,have unlimited access,to,millions of digital,assets. And then what,you can do go to Envato,dot elements or,elements of that photo.,Um, and again, show,something like this. So,I can say shift command,four. 

I say anther,,that means I will give,it go to a new block on,new paragraph. And,there, I can say every,week, this library,,this huge library of,digital assets is,growing with tens of,thousands of, can we,move it over here? This,library is growing with,tens of thousands of,digital assets. We are,talking about stock,videos, stock photos,,WordPress themes, and,plugins. And I can take,a look over here.,Sounds effects, fonts,,music, maybe I should,after sound effects,,music, fans, and video,templates and more. And,then I can edit the,image. How can I do,that? I hit enter. I,click on the plus and I,search for an image. I,can upload an image. I,rather rename it first.,So I say, you don't see,it in the screen, but I,say, and the photo,elements growing,library, BNG, I can,grab it, open it. 

I can,use it like this, or I,can bring it to the,right then make it,smaller. I can bring it,on top like that. This,is what I want. And if,I want to, I can pick,over here and I go to,impact signing this a,,the affiliate program,of info elements. So,last week I made,hundred,euros with Invado and,have auto elements. Uh,,let me see. And then,photo markets in that,photo elements, I,grabbed the link copy.,Oh, it's copied,already. And then I can,use it over here. So my,face it, I can go to,the link settings, open,in a new tab, publish,,publish. Well, do not,expect too much from it,right now. If I view,the posts, it looks,like this. Okay. I'll,categorize the things,we are going to talk,about yet. And if I,click over here,,nothing happens. Why I,click on edit the,posts? I did not have,anti when I paste the,link. So I click here,again. I base it and,now I say, enter over,here. And now it's a,link. And now I can go,to the settings and,open it in a new tab,,updates, view, the,post. We'll talk about,all the things later,,sidebar and stuff. And,I click over here and,now I go to info,elements. When somebody,buys it right now, I,get a commission. If I,take a look at the,commissions, let me see,impact, where are you?,I go to the settings of,and follow elements.,Let's see, how much did,I make you take a look,at September 16, euros,,August 16, July one on,the 36. And why did I,make this? What I do,not use a blog posts,,but what I did, I made,a video, one,video and photo,elements, 30 look at,this eight months ago,,24,000 views. And,there, I explained what,it is in a video of 27,minutes. I did not make,blog posts about it,,but right now I want to,do this for you, our,users, as a real,website, and I will,drive traffic to it,that will make money,with it. 

So the whole,idea is to build a,value around this,product, whatever,product you're,promoting. And then,when people buy this,based on your,information, you get a,commission and that's,the whole idea of,affiliate marketing.,People want to buy,things on the internet,and you need to become,the affiliate between,them because they want,to buy. 
They're,searching for things,like, Hey, it's,involved with elements,,helping something I,should use for my,business. Then they,search for it. 

And when,you come up in the,researcher's, it'll,say, click on your,review. And based on,your review, if they,like it, they can click,on your link. And,that's how you make,money. It's hard work,at the beginning. I,keep on telling that,it's not easy, but it's,doable. If you're,motivated, you can do,it. I was motivated. I,was really motivated.,And now sometimes when,I'm less motivated,,because I have a child,,I have a family, I

have,been moved last two,months. Then still the,money keeps on going to,my accounts. 

That's my,son that he's,working. Yeah. Yeah.,They're Opus. That's,also my son. He's,downstairs again. So I,will continue. I click,on edit posts and I can,work with title. So,right now I can hit,enter. Then I go to a,new block. I see over,here, it can be any,blog. It can be a,paragraph, a heading, a,quilt, a list or,browse. All it can be,code. And we offer,over. Just see how it,can look. So the table,verse. So you can do,quite a lot over here.,I keep it simple. 

I,only use styles,,paragraphs images, and,sometimes videos. So,I'll integrate a title.,What it can do. I can,just start typing over,here. I click over here,now. And I changed this,over here to a heading,age to age. One can use,only one time in a,page, and that is,title. So I'll do view,the post in the new,tip. This H one,inspect. It is linked,to the age one class.,So it's age one and can,be used only one time.,So over here I use an,age to age two. So the,first pro anther,limited use, I can say,pro one unlimited,juice. 

I want over,here. I make it a,heading borough too. So,there is peace of mind.,Okay. I use Grammarly,and I see I have an,arrow over here or a,few. So I click over,there and just takes,them. I,like it. I update it.,Let's see how it looks,refresh. Okay. What I,like to do is use,images, but only,limited juice. I would,like to buy something.,So I will login. And,when I want to add,something, I can say,new project, I rename,it. And then over here,I hit enter. Plus image,upload. Bring it again,to the, all right. Make,it smaller, bring it,up. 

Or I can bring it,to the left or I can,place it below. Yeah,,let's bring it there.,So that's what you can,do. There is an amazing,video. So all I also,can do photo elements,explained, let's say 60,or 90 seconds, click on,the plus video,,YouTube. And I found,something. So let me,search for what is,Envato elements. I,finally found it. 

So,right. Mouse click,,copy, link address. I,go to my post. I paste,it here. And Beth, and,that's it. Now we have,a video. So I click on,update, refresh, text,,text image, and photo,elements explained in,64 seconds, change it,to a heading. And our,blog post is getting,better now like this.,So what I can do really,simple play around with,it. 

Yeah. Great video.,And there still are a,faded link over here,,and we can also place a,link. So let me see and,thought of elements. I,can make this a link,selected link and then,paste and then paste,the affiliate link. So let,me grab this one, copy,,select this area,,enter. Okay. 

You can,see it becomes a link.,And now Dan, you can,place a link where,,where you say Envato,elements or get it,here. So no copyright,problems. And then in,that way, I can finish,this block posts. So,,you know, let's, let's,keep it with this right,now. Updates. I think,,you know, by now how to,create a blog post. Now,I want to take a look,at other information,around this, because if,I would go to the blog,page right now, it,looks like this, or we,can make it look,different. How can we,do it? Let's go to the,posts. And I click over,here at the right top,and there I see,document settings. What,first I want to have an,image over here. 

How,can I do that? I scroll,down and here I see the,featured image. We need,to create one. You can,go to Google and search,for Envato elements,,images, and can grab,something over here or,it can create something,yourself. And that's,what I've done on my,YouTube channel. But,Photoshop all the time,,videos create a symbol,logo in Photoshop,,global color Springback,air tour. So he can do,it in the Photoshop. If,you want to, or you can,just grab something,simple or with your,face on it's all up to,you. Let me do it,again.,And follow elements. Go,to images. What I like,to do, I like to go to,tools size large, and,then this one by most,click save image. As I,override this one, say,21. There it goes. Jay,Beck. Let's see if I,can replace it. Yes, I,can update refresh.,Well, take a look at,the aspect ratio later.,If I go to the blog,post, you see it over,here. I don't like this,at all. The quality is,bad and it just does,not look great. So I,want the reader's,experience to be great.,I don't want people go,to my page and see,weird, bad quality,image. I want people to,see this. I fixed this,background later, and,then we're going to,talk about all the,things like the,categories right now.,It's on categorized.,You sit over here and,categorized, and I want,to give this a,category. I click on,add new. 

That is called,reviews, edits you also,going to have a sub,category. So you can,say a video reviews.,And then the bank,letter grades reviews.,If I I'll check this,and I would say,updates, you see two,categories, reviews and,video reviews, oaf. A,lot of them, you can,click on them and you,see an overview with,older video or reviews,or, and click on,reviews. Everything,that has the category,review is really nice.,I uncheck this Walnut.,It's just reviews. So,in this,,and that's how we can,add categories and,subcategories. You can,also use stacks. So,again, review coma and,the photo elements,,stock footage, stock,,video, stock photo,,just keywords that you,can add over here. I,scroll down. I can have,an excerpt. That is the,texts you see over here,right now. We see the,first paragraph. But,what I can say at the,excerpt is what is,Envato elements? And is,it worth, worth buying,a sub description? Give,you mine. English is,not my first language.,So it can be that there,are flaw arrows over,here. And I can copy. I,think go to Grammarly,and fix it. Find out,the pros and cons. Then,there's discussion.,Turn it on. Allow,comments, allow ping,back and Trek max. And,this is all fine with,me. Update refresh. Now,see, detects over here,is shorter. This is the,excerpts. 

So we see the,image, the category to,title. That's only,information about me.,They call the Meda,data, the excerpt and,the read more button.,If I click over here,,it looks like this, but,I want to use a,sidebar. What I can do.,I can click on,customize those, all,these things over here.,I like to keep things,clean network. I can,work better. And now I,see this. That means,that my screen is so,small that it switches,to the tablet version.,Sorry. Say commands,control minus one time.,Now I see my website. That's,on the desktop. So I go,to block posts and to,single posts, layouts.,Do I want to show to,post idle? You see it,over here. I can turn,it off. And then this,area will be gone. 

Or I,turn it on how they're,on to showed us like,this in a wide area or,full width. I like this,one, especially in,combination with a,sidebar, both sides. I,can bring it to the,left center. Right? I,like left. I mean, I,mean, yeah, I like left,so I can show the,breadth grump so people,can see where they are,to Homebase reviews.,And then Novato,elements reviewed,through 20. I turned,this off, but what I,also can do, I can,direct things around.,So I drag this on top.,First, the title, then,the category. And then,over here, I can change,a few things so I can,change the divider. If,there are more,categories and I can,change this to bill,,bill bell and MFS blue,area around it. 

I like,that. I want to show,the Meda information,and what do I want to,show there? The author,,and then this divider I,can show to date. I can,show last updated date,,show categories, show,comments. So if I turn,this on, it will be,shown over here. When,you start out your,blog, I would not do,it. But if I go to my,blog, I have a lot of,Collins and I can turn,it on. And then people,see immediately, Hey,,this guy's getting a,lot of comments. 

So it,must be a blog post,that has been read a,lot. So that way you,can show people that,you're serious. Okay.,Excerpts. No, I don't,want that. So I like it,closes post layouts,for, with, I like it to,have a cyber at the,right. So I click over,here and there's no,cyber yet. And there's,one, but we need to,configure this, how it,will be shown. 

And then,I want to turn off that,featured image. I will,do later. Okay. Content,style like this, this,white area or like,this, but I prefer to,wide area and showed a,featured image. I turn,it off. There are all,the showed up post,decks. Let me see.,Let's hear me lo I like,that author box. Yes.,So I see something,about myself and I can,say something about,myself. I will show you,the minutes, how you,can do that.

 I bring,this to the center, you,as author archive link.,So if you click over,here, you go to all my,blog posts, overview of,that show post,navigation. So we can,navigate to a different,blog posts. You can go,to related posts, but,we have none yet. So,you don't see that. We,want to show comments,and we want to show,that they offer comments.,Okay. Then we can go,through design and we,can change color as,well. First, I want to,publish it. And then I,want to use these,colors over here, back,back in general and,colors, right? That was,some bluish. I want to,change it. So I grabbed,the first color. Then I,grabbed the second,color. This becomes,green. The link becomes,screen and it gets the,stele of the branding I,have in mind, publish,that. I want to go,back, go back, let me,see. Block posts,,single pose, layouts,design. And if I want,the style to be green,,I can go to the post,title font and select,this green color. And,then it becomes green.,But I like it the way,it is. So I bring it,back. I can also pick,over here, change the,cell or to fonts. And,then I can say extra,lights like that can,make it bigger. I can,make it uppercase. So,there's a lot. You can,do that. The spacing,line Heights by letter,spacing. I wasn't,bringing back 1.6. So,that's what I like,reviews by 40 corpse.,When they follow up to,make this bigger or,different color, I can,do it all here. The,category funds the,breadth prompt. If we,have them, the colors,of that, the Meda,color. So those are,just the Meda,information. I can,change the colors. So,if I will make it, the,rats you see in become,shred over here, I can,have a second color,,but, um, I like it the,way it is near. I can,make it bigger if I,want to. And again, I,can bring it back.,Excerpt colors. If you,have an extra over,here, Bose loud, you,can change the,background, but I'll,leave it as it is,publish and close. So,this is how our block,goes loose. What I want,to do, I want to scroll,down. I don't want to,change or add a text,over here. So I go to,edit profile, scroll,down. I can say,something about myself.,I am a huge, I am a web,designer, videographer,and photographer. 

I,love to use the best,tools and gear to,create the best,possible projects.,Since I am learning,what the best tools,are. I want to teach,others how they can,increase their,increase, the quality,of their and results.,Something like that. I,don't know. So change,that change that let's,see. Okay. So if I,updated and I go,through websites to the,block over here, you,see something about,myself. And then again,,we can go to customize,to the post layouts,,single posts, and then,we can look what looks,better? Let me see.,Where is it? Show the,author box. Normal.,Maybe this is better.,So I will use that.,Okay. 

So far so good.,If I take a look at the,blog page, I want to click,on customize. So I go,to block posts,,archive, layouts,,filter, removes the,archive title. If,people click on the,blog page, I assume,they know they're on,the blog page. I do,another to show that.,And then over here, I,don't like the way it,is a show. It's,scouting off the texts,over here so I can,scroll down and here as,a feature, I can bring,this to 16 by nine.,That's what I prefer.,So let's go back on,top. So what I want to,show, well, this is not,applicable anymore,because I turned this,off. If I turn it on, I,can turn this also on,the software. I don't,use it. You can play,around with it. Scroll,down the archive layout,right now. We see,,we'll see three blog,posts in a row, normal,or narrow. Then there's,a space over here at,the left in the earth,,right? I, I can say,full width. I say,normal again. You're,going to have a right,sidebar. And which,sidebar do you want? He,wants to be boxed like,this or unboxed. I like,it to be boxed out of,three columns. One,,two, three.

 And then,here I can say showed a,large image show to,quality. It looks,better. It will,increase your loading,time. So it's up to,you. Medium. Large is,fine. Get a grease too.,I'll just show them.,Yes. I want,to again, make this,look like that title.,You can turn it off,,made an information.,Use this sign again.,Excerpt. Yes. And the,read more. Okay. Polish,close it. So now we,have a block posts,,which looks like this,with, uh, titles,,links, images, videos,,or this area over here,about the author.,People can leave a,reply. You can reply to,that. So if I would,say, wow, I never knew,this was so easy. I can,post the comments. And,since I am a owner of,the website is what we,publish immediately.,But if I would go over,here, copy it and go to,Safari. Face it over,here. I will see the,comments and I can,leave a reply. What up,John though, John at,the 30, 30, you,can save it posted,Collins. And then,they'll say, you're,come on this wedding in,moderation. So then I,can go over here. I can,say approve its reply,,quick, edit, edit spam,or trash. I approve it.,I can reply. Hi there.,Reply. And then you see,John Dow and then the,reply of me now when,their email address is,linked to the Gravatar,accounts, you'll see an,image over here, three,gallons. And if I go to,the block, you don't,see that. If you want,that to go to,customize, go to the,block, posts, archive,layout, and over here,,Meda show comments.,There you are. So,again, in the,beginning, I will not,do it because you won't,have that much,comments. 

You can ask,your friends to leave a,comment, which is,,should be honest,because if I would,leave this as it is,,um, well, never knew,this was so easy. It,screams spam. 

It,screams fake. It's too,good to be true. So I,would not use it, but I,want to show you how we,can leave comments. So,since we have done,that, I will create a,few more blog posts.,You'll see how we're,gonna look over here.,And then we will go,back to the homepage,and Anthony, these blog,posts over here. So,what I want to do now,,I did not prepare this.,I want to find 10,subjects about the,thing I want to,promote. Uh, I did not,prepare this because I,want to show you how,you can learn how to do,this. So I have my,beautiful and follow,elements review. 

I did,not finish it, but if I,would, it will be an,amazing blog post. And,then I need to create a,new one and a new one.,Because if you take a,look at the WP,,, he is not,leaving off one blog,post. There are so many,blog posts over here.,Let me see if I can,find an overview block.,Well, 7th of December,the fourth, third,,second. 

So almost every,day, maybe except for,some days he is,supposing something.,You look at this one, two,,three, four, five, six,,seven, eight, nine, 10.,He has 2200 block,posts. So, and if you,take a look at one text,images, text headaches,,links. So just learn,from others. Look at,this, look at this.,It's hard to write a,blog post like this,everyday. So there's,also a way to outsource,it. I will talk about,it later, but if you,need ideas, this is,what I will do. And,Vato elements, or I,would go to Google,,maybe better. And then,this and Nevado,elements, people are,searching for this and,they get IDs over here,,like free. 

Well, I do,not do that. I wouldn't,want to do illegal,stuff review. I have,that one already,pricing so I can create,a blog post and the,photo elements, blog,posts, sub subjects. I,can say photo elements,,pricing, is it worth,it's or even better is,and photo elements,worth it. And if you,search on Google for,is, and the photo,elements is the first,thing. So that's a good,goal for me because it,suggests that the first,it's not an,alphabetical order.,It's the w which is at,the end of the,alphabet. So M is,Envato elements safe.,Okay. Let's talk about,is Envato elements safe,and then talk about,,um, copyright Sarah,,how does, and the photo,elements copyright,work. So all the,questions you could,have about his program,,I assume you use,the program. You,promote, what question,does it appear? And,then answer those,questions for all the,people that are,interested. So again,,let's go back to, and,the photo elements, is,there a free trial, no,bots, you can scroll,through everything. Is,there a free trial and,Vato elements? Thank,you. 

See no bots. You,can scroll through,everything because if,you're not logged in,and okay, right now,,I'm not logged in, but,I can go to music. I,can listen to it. So,this is what you can,give us an answer. The,fifth one. Why is and,photo elements, or if,it's legit free, safe,,or you can just say,,and photo elements it,end there. Scroll down,,go to the second page,and follow elements.,Okay. So the next,subject I would like is,get unlimited digital,assets for your,projects. Can we block,posts zero six review?,You can also go to one,of the subjects. So the,best stock footage,,what a stock video,library, the best or,press login bundle, and,then talk about the,amazing plugins that,comes with it with,eight tired of being,bur digital asset,,check out the photo,elements. Next one.,Yeah. What I like to,do, how to create a,motivational video for,just 14 $50.

That's,that's, uh, people are,interested. Maybe they,don't want to do it,,but they want to read,it or watch it just,because that's what I,want to make as a video. I've,got the latest one. I,already of course have,the review, but let's,see, Oh, what can you,make with the end photo,elements subscription?,And then just let me,see if there's a,question like that.,What can you make with,the photo elements? Of,course, it can also,take a look at YouTube,and what are people,making videos about and,follow elements. 

You'll,get this purpose theme,,download free funds,,unlimited after,effects, video editing,examples. Maybe that's,a good one. So you can,show, look at this,minus on top. You can,make it a blog post,about and the photo,elements, examples, and,then get every category,video, next one,websites. So all that,stuff, you can also get,more ideas through a,website. So we can go,to 30 core. Let's come,for a refs. Like that's,it enter. It will be,redirected. And when,you scroll down all the,way, there is the being,keyword tool. We click,on it and then we,choose Google instead,of being, and I can,search for Envato,elements. I choose the,United States find,keywords on the robots,,and then we get keyword,IDs. So it has been,searched like almost,200,000 times per,month, and then involve,elements, login, review,coupon, free trial,,free subscription,,worth it. 

Promo. You,also can get a, if you,go to pricing a seven,day trial for one of,the packages and they,can get,much more information,that for me, this is,doing just fine. And we,really start to make a,lot of money. I think,it's worded to update,so you can know better,what people are,searching and add more,value to y=our website.,I need to create a lot,of blog posts.

 I want,you also can do go to,Ferdi Corp com slash,Fiverr and then search,for content writers,,article blog posts,,writing SEO. I'll do,content writing with my,fabulous team of pro,blog writers. It,doesn't sound too,professional so you can,browse over here while,only one review. So,don't do that seven,reviews, five one. So,let me see if I can get,a gory website, content,or articles and blog,posts.

 Let me see it,serves options. I want,it to be in English.,Let's say level two,only one. I will write,engaging SEO, friendly,article contents,,writing blog posts,,write biters. This is,weird. Probably is,using it to be found,better with let's say,glucagon, take a look,at the reviews, what,they are doing. All,right, to please. All,right. To love. I write,with passion, quite,some reviews, average,response time. You can,read about her.

 So what,you can do now, you can,say I'm one SEO article,up to 300 words or to,1500 words and they pay,more. She will do topic,research, use folk,skewer. It's two,proficients delivery,time four days. So you,can select that. And,then you say, Hey, I,want to, uh, I want to,write about first, you,go through the,checkouts and then you,can fill in some,information. I want to,talk more. I want to,learn more about now. 

I,want you to write about,auto elements or about,evolve elements in,combination with video.,But what I prefer when,you start out is to,start yourself. You,need to grind a bit of,work for it. That makes,it also feel better.,When you, when you,start to make money,with it. I created this,video eight months ago,,it took me maybe two,days to create it. And,now I'm making money,with it. Not that's,Martin that much about,160, $36 and or euros,in July of two months,ago, with something I,created eight months,ago is not bad. So if I,would have a YouTube,channel or a website,all around that,subject, man,,eventually you can make,a lot of money with it.,So that's what you can,do. I want to create a,few blog posts and then,I will be back with you,since I want this,tutorial to be as,complete as possible. I,will show you how I,put, create thumbnails,for my blog posts and,YouTube videos in,Photoshop. So open,Photoshop. Normally I,encrypt something like,this. I save it again,and change it. But how,to start from scratch.,I click on create,new 1920, my thousand,80. Okay. Then I want,to grab the colors of,my branding here. I,find the first one. Let,me see. I grab gradient,to then over here, I,click on the color and,I paste the color code.,Then I go to the second,color in my notes. Are,your notes. Here it is.,I click over here, base,it. Now I want to click,on it and drag it from,the left up to the,right bottom or from,left to right. All,shifts. So it cannot go,anywhere except,horizontal. I'm not,that happy with the,color. So what I can,do, I can make it,bigger. So like that,,then command O or even,better. I go to my,Dropbox. I searched for,30. There it is. You,know, that will go for,the P and G.

Those are,smaller images. Hold,space. I use this one.,So I drag it over here.,That goes maybe a bit,bigger. I think it can,be a little bit,lighter. I hit enter. I,want to go to the,adjustment layers over,here. You can find them,here at the window,adjustments. And I go,order a levels. I can,go over here. Shelter,only change the layer,below it. And then I,drag this to the left.,And when I released the,mouse see, becomes,lighter. Okay. So like,that, then I go to the,text tool I use Avenir.,I really like,it and say, create a, a,motivational, multi,Fational video for $15.,Okay, come on. I want,to make it bigger, bold,shift here. And then,up, up, up, up, up, up,,create space, command a,click over here and,make it blight. Create,a motivational video,for, okay. Command a,window, character and,change the height here.,Increase, created whole,shift, increase it,,arrow up. Mode, patient,video, making bigger.,Let me see how I can,play around with the,text window character.,Okay. I can see how can,I do this? Okay.

 I grew,up myself here showing,shift. Maybe I can say,no. The thing is I want,to see myself. Maybe I,should put myself over,here below and then,maybe edit, transform,,rotate, create a,motivational video for,just, okay. Let me see,if I can make it,bigger, but I can do,select something around,motivational and around,a video. Then I clicked,on backgrounds. Plus I,bring this to wipe. I,go over here to the,paint buckets. That is,not white. Okay. Maybe,because the screen,doesn't look right.,What are the denial,control? Click on the,text or commands. Then,I select the layer,again and press,backspace. Then I click,on the text. I click on,this icon to make a,mosque. I'm doing a,lot. I know you can,watch it back.

 And then,I start stuffing. It,needs to be black over,here and I can stuff,out.,I click over here. I,hold shift, click here,,hold shift, click here.,And the same over here,,I can do option and,scroll. And they're,like zoom in to make it,smaller with the left,bracket, key click,shift, click shift,,click shift, click, or,something like that. Of,course I should. Even,this hour, here's more,space in here. So I, I,should fix that. Create,a motivational video,for just $15. What I,can do now, maybe I can,search for the, and the,photo elements, logo.,Go to images.

 I grabbed,this right mouse, click,safe image. When I open,them, I automatically,open them in Photoshop,as zoom in. I grabbed,this tool. Prime record,key copy. Command C go,over here. They sit.,And then here, right?,Mouse, click, blending,options, color overlay,like that's. So that's,how I can create,something really quick.,Fowl export, save for,weapon. Save it and,give this also the same,title as blog, post,create a motivational,video or 15 bucks.,Okay. Dan, I go to tiny,P and G to make it,smaller.

 Right now, 670,kilobytes. I want to,bring it back to one,other 48, edit the post,and drag it over here.,Update, take a look at,the website, go to the,blog page. And then it,looks like that. So,that is what I want to,do for all the images,over here. And then I,will be back with you.,So what I've done, I edit,images at all the blog,posts, but what I want,to show you, look at,this, this text is cut,off. I don't want that.,So imagine I go to this,blog post, I click on,edit posts. I did not,fill in all the, I did,not fill the content,yet. 

I have to do that,,remove this update,right now. When I want,to preview this, let me,go to the website. I,hold command and click,on WordPress. Then I go,over here, here and,here. What you see over,here is 11 and vital,elements, examples,,videos. So I think it's,an example. Videos, if,are updated, it's,updated in the title.,So if I refresh this,,the S is gone, but here,it's still examples.,When an 11, how can you,fix it over here? The,PERMA link, I can,remove it. 

I can remove,the S. Now when I,update it and refresh,this, it goes to this,link. If you don't see,a link like this, but,you see something like,B 31 ID, blah, blah,,blah. They need to go,to the back, ends to,settings permalinks,,and then put it to post,name and save it twice.,Why twice? Because I,want to have twins one,day. 

And maybe when a,lot of people in the,world will click twice,over here. My wife will,have twins who knows,I'm going for it. I go,back to the block and now it,looks like that. So,what else can we do? If,I would edit the posts,,which I'm doing over,here, and I change the,image to this one and I,update it. It's an,image that is not 60,,my nine. So if I would,go to the block, it,looked like this. So,the text is gone. How,can 

I fix that? Well, I,click over here. I,click on the image and,now I see the aspect,ratio. Well, first you,need to optimize your,images. How can you do,that? You scroll down,over here and at the,title, you remove all,the dishes. There are,vacuum cleaning below.,I hope you don't hear,it. I know what a shirt,as I'm seven beat a,microphone. I use keeps,people out.

 Sounds like,these normally. So,there's a test. I can,still work when they're,effecting cleaning,downstairs. So copy the,title to the all text.,You can have a caption,,you can have a description and that's,all good for the search,results. So you can,also base it. And then,what I want to do, I,want to edit the image.,Why? Because right now,I don't see this text,over here. So I want to,use a crop so I can,drag something over,here and I can do,anything. The aspect,ratio is not there, but,if I would say aspect,ratio is 16 by nine,,because there's also the size,of the thumbnail. Now I,cannot have any size,anymore.

I only can,make it bigger and,select an area. So,that's what I will do.,I scroll down and I,grab this area. Then,over here, I click on,crop and I click on,safe. And that's how we,can resize images set,as a featured image.,Now, when I refresh the,page, it is back to the,original. So again,,over here, edit the,post, click on the,image, edit the image.,I will turn the text,over here. So again, I,say 16 by nine. I make,it as wide as possible.,And I want to have that,infographic design text,in the image. So I have,to cut off something,from this area. So we,save it. And then what,,it also can do edit,image. I can change the,size to 90, 20 click on,scale, see Mac. Now the,image is a lot smaller.,Okay, let me see block.,And now the text,infographic design is,in the thumbnail. What,else can we do? Well, I,assume I'm the only,author here on this,website. So what I can,do now, I don't need,this because people,will know that this is,from me. So I click on,customize all to clean,up this area a bit,more, come on minus. So,I see the result as,when you see within a,normal screen, I go to,the block. Posts,are guy layouts. I,scroll down and then,over here, what do I,want to show the,feature image? The,categories, the title,,meta information. Yes,,but not all the meta,information. Don't show,the author. So only the,date and the comments.,And then of course the,excerpt, which is not,here. I have not filled,it in yet. And then the,remora button, it's up,to you. If you want,that, if you turned it,off, I think that's,better. People can,click on the link of,our, on the image or on,the link. 

So publish,close it's and we have,an excerpt. I go to,page two, you see this,over here. So if you,want to have an excerpt,click on the link, edit,the post and here at,the right, right. An, excerpt, all alright.,Some amazing examples.,What you can do with,the photo alone, make,it appealing the text,for it. 

I think this is,a little bit too,straightforward. Make,it appealing, make it,that people want to,click on the link and,then of course deliver,over deliver. So make a,really good blog post.,So now you see the text,over here, the image,,the title, of course,,the category, the,dates, the amount of,comments and a small,theater, text an,excerpt. What else?,What I see all those,blog posts are from,September the seventh,,2020. 

If you want to,change the order, maybe,you're from Europe,or you want to change,it. You can go to the,back end to settings,,reading, excuse me,,general. And then here,dates for months, you,can change it. Well,,what I can do, I can,hire some people that,write 10 blog posts for,me, but I don't want to,publish them all at,once. I want to,schedule them. So maybe,I want to schedule this,post for next week. I,click over here. I edit,the post. 

Now what I,can do, let me see,publish right now. It,says, if it's published,the 7th of September, I,can say publish it the,14th. If I click on,update, it says, now,schedule over here. So,that means if I go,through website, it is,not here anymore. As,you see, but exactly,the 14th of September,or September the 14th,on the time I assign,it, I scheduled it. It,will appear over here.,And that is amazing.,But it also highly,suggest is when people,go to a website, they,can click over here to,be updated, getting a,notification over here.,When I have a new blog,posts, I have a,tutorial about that.

It's about one signal,Verde. In this video, I,will show you how to,send push notifications,to all the people that,subscribe to you by,clicking over here,,when they enter the,website for the first,time, and when you,enter or publish a new,blog post manually or,scheduled, they get a,notification. And that,gives you more traffic.,All those extra videos,are in the description,of this video. So,that's what you can do.,What else? You can also,change the day. So to,September the seventh,,look at this. This is,now the second blog,post. If I click over,here, I edit the post,and I'm bringing it,through the 1st of,September update. It is,not saying any more. It,has gone. So now it is,over here. And then,there's a SS September,the first 2020. So in,that way, you can,schedule things. You,can also go to the,backend, go to users,,add a new user. You can,call him James Bryan,and others off him. And,James, Brian can be,your personal,copywriter. So he,writes text for your,blog posts, or he,writes out here, write,your blog post, and you,can give him, um, the,roll off a author or an,editor and the author,can create their own,blog posts. And then,they do also all this,information that they,will not see that, but,they only see,information that has,everything to do with,creating blog posts so,they can not delete,your website by,accident. They only can,hover over new,,creating new posts and,add new stuff. And what,you also can do then,over here is gave them,your own name. So it,says, this is created,by the corpse. 

We can,set up by James Bryan,and what you also can do when,somebody that's great,of the blog post, you,can change the author,over here. So I okay.,Go click on quick edit.,Well, there are no, uh,,other authors yet the,one that is the case,,you can change that.,Okay. Let me see. I,really like the blog,post. What I want to do,now. I want to have an,overview of the most,recent blog posts over,here. So I click on,edit with Elementor. I,close all this stuff. I,scroll down new area. I,go to the elements I,search for posts. And,this is, uh, this is,from, which is the free,plugin we installed,after we insult,Elementor. I can drag,it over here. Look at,this bomb. The source,is posts can be pages,or a manual selection.,I can say only upload,things from 30 Corp,Souk or show things,from a certain author,or a certain category,,certain tax or in a,format. I like them,all. I want to show six,ordering by dates,,descending. So the most,recent one is first.,And then the layout,settings. I want to,have three columns.,Something is going,wrong over here, but no,problem. We will fix,it. No masonry, just,the grit and what I,like. I like to, I,mean, check it. I want,to make it look the,same as over here. It's,not entirely possible,,but we can give it a,try. Show the,image, make it large.,So to quality looks,better. Showed a title.,Yes. Title tax, age to,title length is okay.,Shown excerpts. Yes.,Excerpt words can be,unlimited expansion,indicator. When, when,necessary showed a read,more button. Nope.,Showed a post terms.,No. Showed a meta,information. Yes. Show,the avatar. Nope. Then,I'll show the author,name only the date or I,can do like this. Make,it look different. Let,me see here. It looks,like this is all fine.,Still. I think there,should be more spacing,between the items just,like here. Okay.,Thumbnail style. When I,hover over that, it,looks like this. When I,hover over here and,nothing happens, but I,can do is a slight,hover. So let me see.,Title color can be,green if we want to,,but I like the regular,one. How can I bring,this back? Well, I,thought I knew I cannot,see this, you know,,change it and then,bring it back when you,hover over it. Okay.,When I hover over it, I,can make it green. They,don't, the left,topography can be,bigger and here can,chase more things. 

The,hover, when you hover,over it, it kind of,fade a little bit. So,you can say primary and,then make it look,transparent. That's and,then you can have an,icon. Can be anything,or say, no, I can bring,this back to nothing,just like this. Okay. I,like its updates that I,can take a look really,clean blur on how to,implement L limited,high quality SSO,elevator projects.,Learn more or go to the,blog. 

If I go to the,block, I go over here.,If I click on, learn,more, I should go to a,page about fr elements.,I should create that.,And what I often do is,a dark area or a,colored area, North,colored never call it.,So maybe I should make,this background's,little bit, little bit,gray. So it pops out a,little bit more. And,when I click on update,,it refreshes,automatically. So,there's the,distinction. 

How do you,say that you see is a,different area? And if,you think look really,close, you see there's,less space over here,than over here. It,looks like that. So,what I can do click,over here, uncheck this,and say on top, I want,have more space. Okay.,This is what you can,do. Looks great. So we,can create an about,page where you can say,something about,yourself. I think I,still have the page.,I'm not sure. 

, I,removed it from the,area higher on top, but,if I would go to forge,slash about, yeah, I'm,born in 1986, Mehretu,,NFL of Noah,photographer or,designer teacher. Our,mission is to help,people in creating your,website. And then a,long story. I think,belonged stories. I,don't know if they're,relevant anymore. I,don't know if people,are going to read this,these days. People want,things quick, something,like this. 

So it's up,to you. It felt to know,more about elementary,three-hour tutorials,about it. So I just,want to show you how to,create an affiliate,marketing website and,not go into detail of,how to grade every,page. But, um, yeah, I,think there's amazing,,uh, stories. So what,you can do over here,,look at this. I click,on edit with Elementor,I say, right? Mouse,click copy. 

I go to a,different page. The,tutorial page. I edited,the beach. I click on,edit with Elementor and,I'll right. Click,paste. Look at that.,Then I click on the,elements and then the,source is posted and I,can say categories,,only tutorials updates,,and then ads blocked.,You see all the blog,posts or the tutorials,,all that stuff. And,then at tutorials, you,only see the tutorials,,then there's a contact,page. 

Yeah. This is so,simple out of the wood,element or I can import,something so I can,search for contact.,There's one. I like,there a lot. I like it.,And then this one, for,instance, inserts, I,need to connect. So I,need to get an account,at Elementor, which is,no problem. You can,trust them. And the,information they get is,to help elements,

 to,make better websites.,So they will do nothing,weird. Okay. One,more thing or a few,more things I can click,over here, go to Stell,,grab the primary color,by mouse, click copy,,and then I can base it.,Okay. Also here it,green by mouse, click,,copy, paste out. They,sell. And that way you,can save some time,here. You can change,the colors, Oh, let's,make this white. And,then green, you can do,whatever you want to,do. 

You can fill in an,address over here.

 Uh,,I like to keep it,really simple. So, you,know, I just want to,make it really simple.,Once I have two areas,,few free to reach out,to me and then updates,,click on the plus, go,to the backend, go to,plugins, add new search,for contact form seven.,That's a plugin and,extra functionality,winning our website.,Activate I I'm getting,ahead of myself a,little bit. I go, man,,I got him going all,kinds of places where I,actually should stick,with the creating the,block page. 

But, uh,,yeah, it's the way it,is at the end of this,video, you will have a,tutorial. So copy,disco. Sorry. I'm going,way too quick without,saying what I'm doing.,Okay. I installed the,contact form plugin.,That is a contact form,plugin that will help,you to create a contact,form on your website.,When you activate the,plugin, you click on,contact over here.,There's a code. 

You can,copy that code,and you can base it,over here. So I go,through the text,editor, I drag it over,here, base it's,updates. And now it is,over here. And when,people fill this in,,you get a message and,you can reply on them.,If you want to know,more about it, I have a,contact form, tutorial,contact form seven,tutorial. And there's,mine because it's the,best. 98%, 96%, 94, 95,out is also mine. But,you see my tutorials,are getting better when,I create a new one. And,that's my whole goal. I,want to create the best,tutorial story for that,weird sound. But I have,a little bit of pain in,my neck. Just want to,make sure to move. 

It,hurts, but I want to,make this tutorial,,even when it hurts,,sometimes you need pain,in order to get the,results she wants in,life. Okay? And enough,blah, blah, blah. I go,back to the blog page,because that's where we,were. And then when I,enter a block page, for,instance, the one I,created, this one you,see at the right, I,have these areas. I,want to talk about,widgets. And if you,want to learn about,widgets, why not learn,from the best from me,now, I'm not talking,about me. 

I'm talking,about WP beginner at,anther. Look at this. I,go to a random blog,posts and you see over,here, nice widgets and,widgets,features or press,plugin. If you click on,you go, there is this,probably an affiliate,link from WP beginner.,Then how to start a,block. That's an,internal link. Internal,links are good for the,search results. So if,all the pages in this,website link to this,one, then this will be,ranked really well. So,just probably the,reason why they put it,over here. 

As you see,also over here on every,page. So this is what,you can do, website,blueprints. So again,,important links over,here or shortcut,screening and block,WordPress SEO, useful,WordPress guides deals.,So let's learn from it,and let's create a new,widget area. So we have,one over here, one,,two, three. 

So we have,the search bar, the,reason posts and the,recent comments. So,where can we adjust,those areas over here?,We can go through the,widgets or we can go to,the dashboards and then,appearance, widgets.,And then you see,sidebar one over here,and you see search,recent posts and,reasons comments. 

And,when we go to the,website, holding,command, spur control.,So it goes through a,new tip and I go to the,blog page and I click,on the blog posts. I,see search reason,,posts and reasons,,comments, what I see,over here. So if I,would change the order,,it'll save,automatically. 

And if I,refresh the page, it,looks like that I can,also search for,and photo elements hit,enter, and I see the,results over here.,Okay. So what I can do,,I can also remove them,so I can open this,here, click on the lead,search, the lead in,comments delete. 

So,what do I want to show,over here? But I want,to show my reason,posts, but we didn't,,uh, but with a featured,image. So I want to go,to plugins, add new,search for recent posts,with thump nail,heritage install. Now,from Martin tail. Hi,,sorry. 

It's something,like that. Okay. Now,when I go to,appearance, widgets,,look at this. If I,scroll down reason,posts with thumbnails.,So get on cyber one,,scroll down, edit. So I,can say in the title,,recent posts, how much,five I scroll down. I,want to go to the width,80 and the hive 45,,save it, refresh. And,that our recent posts.,I like it. What else?,Well, I want to make,money with Envato,elements. So what I can,do, I can go to impact,the affiliate partner,off and follow,elements. Then I scroll,down. I go to elements,and I can grab this,link or I can click on,view ads. Okay. I,scroll down and I want,to take a look at, um,,let me see Wanda, this,as, as a, as a little,bit wider than this,one. How about this,one? Cyber threat. I,can click on, get the,code. I,copied it to the,clipboard. Then I go,over here and I,searched for custom,HTML, add a widget.,Hey, reload. And I can,face the code, save it.,And once we let's say,refresh this Envato,elements, ready to use,creative assets assets.,And when I click over,here, I can go to this,page is my affiliate,link. So when somebody,buys it true that area,in the cyber of my,website, then I get my,money in. 

That's what,we want. So recent,posts, or I can also,say in the title get,,and the photo elements.,What else can I place,over here? Over here? I,can see more things,categories so I can add,categories through,cyber one, or I can,drag it over here. I,can say, get a grease.,And I can say display,them as a dropdown show,to posts per count or,to expose Scouts, show,hierarchy refresh. So,now you see the,category. So if I click,on reviews, I see six,blog posts. I want to,click on it. I see the,cyber area again, where,you use email,marketing, which I do.,You can also pray,something like this.,Tutorials, subscribe to,my newsletter.

 I have,to throw about its,search on YouTube for,on the vert on the,Hertz kids, tutorial,Verde, I need to upload,a new one is three,years ago. Same,principles still apply,,but Terry will learn,how to create something,beautiful, but,email marketing. And,that can make you a lot,of money. 

I made,sometimes a $5,000 in,like four days with,sending an email to my,email list with haters,,a discount code for a,coupon for a certain,,uh, or a certain theme,or beige biller. So,this can help you in,the long run with,making a lot of money,with affiliate,marketing. So I like,it. What else can we,do? We can also have,widgets. 

Where did,areas here below I,click on customize and,then I can go to the,footer and here I can,have a middle row, top,row. Let's take the,middle row, click over,here. I can change it,to an area like this, a,bigger area to smaller,areas. And then I,click, let me see. I,can click over here, go,to design and I can,have the background,color. I can make it a,really dark, something,like that. Publish,click on the plus over,here. And I also have,,let me see widget one,over here, widget two,,and here widget. I,cannot even select it.,Let me see. 

Come on,minus. Yeah, widget,three, zero publish. So,if I take a look at the,website now, other you,see not much why let's,go to widgets and then,you see food or one. I,can add something over,here so I can have a,simple text at food or,one at the widget. And,here I can have media uploads,files. I was at my logo,in white. I need to go,to my downloads, I,guess over here, this,one, I can optimize it,here. Copy base.

 It,showed it full-size,there is hit enter and,I can type the text I,love. And the photo,elements through this,website, I want to show,you what you can,achieve with an auto,elements. This website,can contain affiliate,links. You don't pay,more, but I get credit,when you purchase,subscriptions. True. My,affiliate link, thank,you or death, something,like that. 

You need to,have a disclaimer in,the text about that,,but we still will see,nothing past the text,stark. So what I can,do, I can customize it.,And then I go to the,footer and the whole,row, I can go to,design, make the text,title white. I can do,it here. Also here.,Sort of texting becomes,white. What else I can,do publish. Let me see,if I can find a big,advertisement and I'd,like it as you don't,see the, the size of,it. So I wonder if they,were, are working, but,I could add, um, this,one so I can get the,code to the same thing,again. Here are the,widgets new HTML text,,edit to footer. One,base it. I can drag,this on top and what I,want to do the text. I,want it to be at foot,or two. So now this is,over here and let me,see. It seems not to be,loading. Okay. This can,happen. 

I can also use,an eye frame. Okay.,Let's do something else,over here. Add footer,area one. I can again,,show the reasons posts,footer. One was her,voice crack 80 and 45,refresh. And then I say,over here at the,customizer footer,,which had one that's,okay. I go to design,this row and then the,link colors should also,be white. Okay. Publish,close. What I also can,do then I go to widgets,over here and then a,footer one. I say,reasons posts the posts,and about tutorial. And,I can have something,else over here. Again,,you can let people opt,in to your email list,or a Facebook live box.,And um, what else? Uh,,practicing just at new,church for Facebook,black box. Thank you.,Look at the one that,has a lot of,installations, 30 3006,thousands. Well, then,this one is probably,the best one activate,and let's see how you,can skip this. Copy,this link, go to,Facebook. Let's go to,my page. Can print of,this area, copy the,link. They see your L,and they can generate,it, copied his link, go,to appearance, widgets,,and then photo area,three. 

I can have text,like us the code,refresh, and that's,what you can do. And,then there are more,different things you,can have, like the latest,messages or the amount,of friends. Those are,like this. So you can,play around with that.,And again, you can,have, you can have more,areas below each other,,so you can drag this,one over here like,that. So you can play,around with that until,you're satisfied. 

I can,also go to customize,,go to the footer and,say over here, I want,to have an area like,this. And then it's,equally divided. I go,to the widgets and then,bring this one over,here. So let's say with,the widgets and, um,,there are a lot of, uh,,blog posts over here.,

So there's a lot of,empty space or I want,to get rid of to, how,can I do that at the,widgets to the settings,would a one show, three,recent blog posts like,that's reason, post,tutorial. And then one,more thing, because I,think it will look,better. I go to widgets,and switch those two. I,like it. I want to make,this even darker,,customize footer,floor-area design and,make it really dark.,Like that's Emma,tutorial, reason posts,like us. So let's go,back to the blog posts,,how we can make sure,this will be found,better. 

It's time to,talk about optimizing,your website for the,Google search results.,So I want to close this,and this and I search,,or I go to further,corporate com for slash,or rank,meth is better than,Yoast SEO, and it is,free. I click on,download for free and,there are ghosts. Then,I go to my Beck and I,go to plugins, add new,upload plugin. And I,drag it over here. I,click on install now,and I activate the,login. I can connect,with a free account. So,I want to do that. I,want to use a email and,a password 92, or just,throw it over here. My,name, my email, all to,register. 

And I click,over here and I can,activate rank math on,this site. Okay. That,will go to my own,website and look at,this easy. I want to,leave it simple as it,is right now. I just,want to focus on,optimizing your blog,posts so I can do the,wizards or I can return,to the dashboard. I,want to return to the,dashboards. Look at,this. Now this orang,myth. And I want to let,me see, leave,everything as it is,,turn this one on. Okay.,What I want to do now,,if I go to a blog post,this one and I click on,edit the post. I see,h

ow good is this,ranking? Well, it is,not so I can click over,here and here we see a,preview. What we would,see in Google here, we,can have a focus,keyword. Where do we,want to focus on? Well,,I want to focus on,Anvato elements or,review or, and you see,now my blog post is,doing a lot better and,here I can see an,analysis of my website.,So hooray. 

You're using,focus keyword in the,SEO title and volatile,elements review. Okay.,Folks, keyword nuts,found in your SEO meta,description. So if I,scroll up, this is my,meta description. I can,edit this snippet and I,can change it right,now. By default, it,will show the title,separator and the site,name. If I want to,change that, let me do,it quickly. I click on,update. I go to the,website, I go to rank,math and then I go to,titles and Meda and a,separator. I want it to,be this one. Okay. I,click on save the,changes. And again, if,you want to follow in,the tutorial about it,,you can go to YouTube,search for rank myth.,The tutorial and mine,should appear on number,one, you can watch that,one. That's an hour. I,will not say another,hour of video in this,tutorial, but I want to,show you how to get,ranked better. So,,okay. Since we've saved,it, 

I can go to the,posts and how they all,do show the posts while,I won't have a title.,And that's enough for,me. I don't need a,separator. That's it?,Save it. So if I go to,a blog post and I edit,the post by default,,the title is Envato,elements reviewed 2020,,because it will,directly fetch this,title. I showed it in Google. Then we see the,URL and thought,tutorial. Let's call it,four slash and then the,whole thing. 

And here,is the, and this has,been fetched by the,excerpts. So my,excerpt, if I go over,here to settings, I,scroll down excerpt,,what is Envato,elements? And is it,worth buying a,subscription? So if I,click over here, what,does involve elements?,So it's getting the,excerpt over there.

 I,can edit it over here.,I can change the title.,So I can also say, copy,this and then say,,update it to get some,attention. Burma links.,Perfect. And then,description. What is,the info elements? I,can start typing in a,way that will give more,check marks. So right,now it says I close,this folks. Keyword is,not found in your SEO,,made a description so I,can edit this. Let me,copy this. Let me copy,the descriptions.,Right? Click over here.,The excerpts. Copy it.,Pick up here, edit the,snippets basically,here. And now is it the,word buying,subscription? Find out,the pros and cons in,this and the Vato,elements preview. So,now I have the keyword,in the description.,

This is in the green,area and that means,that's good. This is,also okay. Okay. Okay.,Update. And now it's,67. 

So we're getting,there. Folks Gira,doesn't,appear in the beginning,of your content. And,farro elements is a,subscription service.,That's what name you,have to create to,create high end,products like videos,,websites, blah, blah,,blah. And this and the,Vato elements review. I,will show you the pros,and guts. So now, and,photo elements review,is in the first area of,the tech. 

So again,,another check Mark,content is 362 words,called Cedar using at,least 600 words. Well,,that's good because his,blog post is not,finished yet, but since,I show you how we can,create something like,that, I will fix it,later. But in that way,,we can optimize our,blog posts as well.,There's additional or,errors. Focus. Keyword,is not found in the,subheadings. 

So what I,can do, I can hit enter,over here and I can,say, and the Vato,elements review on,inclusion. So to,summarize it, something,like that. So I make,this a subheading. So,now, and follow,elements are reviewed.,A keyword is found in,the subheadings, add an,image of which your,focus keyword as an all,text. So I have an,image over the, over,here. What I could do,click over here. 

I can,write a caption and I,can say the photo,element and the photo,elements review. So,it's not a 75. And to,be honest, don't make,it a robotic text by,trying to get all those,check marks, make it,easy to,read is 408 words. I,need to make it 600,folks keyword doesn't,appear in the beginning,of your content. Well,,it is. So maybe it's a,lots of reading this,correctly, but the,additionals, uh, okay.,

Internal links,,internal links are so,important. So what I,can do, I can say over,here, want to know more,about copy, but in the,end, the photo,elements, soup,scription, find out,more in this blog post.,Okay, what I will do, I,will update it. I'll go,to the website and a,new tab, holding,command or control on a,PC that I searched over,here. Let me see. I,don't know something,with copyright. So,copyrights, I go over,here. 

I want to view it,in the notes app. Get,rid of this area, this,link. I want to copy it,and paste it over here.,Find out in this blog,post, or just when I,talk about copyright,problems, I can link it,to a different blog,post enter that I can,edit it. Make sure it,opens a new tab if I,want to. And also here.,So if I have internal,linking, that means,that w people can go,within my website from,one page to another,patient. 

If you do,that, it becomes like a,beautiful spaghetti. I,don't know how to say,it a different way.,Everything is connected,to each other. And when,you have that within,your website, your,website will rank,better. Keep in mind,that the biggest goal,for Google is to make,money and how can they,make more money when,people stay on your,website and you have,advertisements. So the,longer you stay on the,website or the visitor,stays on the website,,the more money they can,make. So while you have,blog posts and at the,end of reading a blog,post, they can go to a,different page and stay,on your website.

 And,then at the word scan,or Google can show,their ads is better for,them. So when you have,internal links is my,way of thinking, then,that's interesting for,Google because people,will stay longer in,your website. And,that's why is happy,with you and will rank,you better. 

So title,readability, folks,,skewered is used at the,beginning of the SEO,title, your title,doesn't contain a,positive or a negative,,sent him in the word.,So these are things to,make people want to,read your blog posts,based on the title. So,I can say, is it death?,Good question, Mark,updates. And then I can,see, let me see title,readability, positive,or negative, or I can,take a look if I don't,get it. And then,there's a blog post. So,net where you can learn,more. So it's, it's,orange. I want,everything to be green,content readable.,Readability is okay. So,what I need to do now,,I need to have,more texts. 

I think,when I reach 600 words,,I should be good to go.,So, so let me trick,that for a moment. I,think now I have 600,words, 621 words as,long. Good job update.,I don't know what this,is. The basic SEO is,good. The additional,add an image, which are,folks keyword as an old,text. Oh, sorry. I,click over here. What I,need to do. Um, okay. I,want have a new image,,click on the plus image,upload. Let me see if I,ran them. Okay. I,grabbed this one. Okay.,So why the image, this,maybe not the best ID.,So you know what? I,will go back, go to the,blog, post media. Let,me see. Where's the,blog post.

 I use this,one. So now I can go to,the Altecs and I can,say Avanto elements a,review. So this is the,alternative text. I can,also use it as a,caption description.,Okay. So there it is.,Now, if I go to my,website, to my blog,post, they asked for an,image what the all text,that says the keyword.,And now that should be,the case. 

So now, so,80, this no errors, add,an image with your,folks, keyword as all,textual. I did that,over here. So it's not,fetching it or it's not,getting it yet. Maybe,it takes a little bit,of time, but this is,how you can make,your blogpost look,better. And again,,again, again, take a,look at people that are,successful and model,it. Do not copy it. So,again, I go to WP,beginner, and then I,think, look at how they,do it. Title, okay.,People are sharing,things and share,things. A lot of images,mean hover over it. You,see, you see the alts,,WordPress installation,requirements, so,requirements. So you,need to give all the,images, a alt texts,,Heathers links,,external, uh, um, bold,words, a link blue host,offer. So in the middle,of nothing, what you,can do again, I go to,impact signing, scroll,down, view the ads. I,can get this code, copy,to the clipboard. 

And,then over here, click,on the plus search for,HTML, custom HTML based,it, and then update.,That's say gluc block.,So I just saw that they,use an advertisement in,their blog post so we,can do the same over,here when people click,on it and they buy it,through your link, you,get a commission. So,now we have 81 and now,our rank is green. 

So,I'm happy. You need to,do this with all your,blog posts use a lot of,internal linking, and,I've not talked about,it yet, but you can go,to the back ends. And,if we search for,plugins at new, we can,search for cadence,,Gutenberg blocks by,cadence blocks. A lot,of installations,already updated.,Recently,,this will give you so,much more possibilities,to create something,beautiful. Using the,Gutenberg editor, it's,all different,tutorials. 

So you can,watch for those,tutorials on YouTube,search for it, but it,gives you so much more,freedom to do what you,want to do. So what I,will do, I will make,sure people can share,our blog posts. So I go,to block and I want,people to be able to,share this by clicking,over here, I'll share,it on Pinterest or,LinkedIn. So how can we,do that first? I want,to close these so we,can go back through the,back ends.

 We go to,plugins, add new. I'm,going to install a,plugin that schools,,the Ceci or social,Ceci. Let me see Ceci,,social or oppressed,,social sharing, plugin,install. Now a lot of,installations and the,reasonably updated in.,So now five stars. So,that's good. And again,,I have a complete,tutorial about this,one, but I will only,use the necessary,things in this,tutorial. 

So what we,can do now, we can go,to the sassy social,share, and then I want,to go to the standard,interface, scroll down,,and here I can select,what I want to show.,And it's not about,your, uh, social media,accounts. It's about,your visitor. So maybe,you don't have read it.,You still can use it,there. What happens?,There will be a button.,People click on it.,They can share it on,their Facebook, Reddit,,Pinterest. So let me,see. I will get rid of,Reddit. I'll use,Twitter. Don't use this,one. Don't use,LinkedIn. No, what's,up. No mix. I like to,use Instagram, Facebook,messenger email. So,what do we have so far,we can see with here at,the theme selection.,So, okay. Then I want,to save it. Save the,changes that I go back,to the theme selection.,And now I want to take,,look at the shape. I,want to make it a,rectangle and change,the width to one 30,,click on the plus Nancy,updated version. Bring,this through 40 no,border, no different,colors. I like to leave,it the way it is. This,is sort of floating,interface. I don't need,that. So I click on,save the changes. Then,I go to the floating,notes to the standard,interface I enable.,It's sort of floating,one. I unable it. I go,through the standard,one target URL. That,means which page should,be shared. So if I,would go to a certain,block post here, see it,already. Let's say this,one. Should it share,this page? Which seems,to be the best thing to,do or it should it,share it a homepage?,Well, of course the URL,of the webpage, where,the icons are located,,the title, I don't need,a title, Instagram,username. You want to,,you can say Verde,corporate soup.,So if somebody shares,it, you will be tagged,and then I can change,the order. But I like,it here. I can select,everything. The,horizontal alignment in,the center top of the,contents, or do you,want to shoot at the,bottom or both? I like,to show both this for,the, uh, locked pro,version. I don't need,that. Where do all the,show? It only on all,the posts that's it,showed a dull, a,Sheriff's wall. If you,have a website with a,lot of physics, they're,saying you can turn it,on and that can help,all the people to share,it. If they see it's,shared over the a lot,of times, then they can,also share it and they,will. 

The more I can,Nope, save the changes.,And now if I go to the,homepage, I do not see,it. But if I go to a,certain block page, I,see on top and at the,bottom, what I prefer,is to, um, show two,more because this looks,a little bit weird. So,I go to the backend to,plugins or over here to,the sissy social share,,floating note, standard,interface. And then I,can select a few more,WhatsApp and Google,Gmail, save it.

 And,then it looks like this,here on top and at the,bottom at the bottom,,since we have more blog,posts, we see here to,decks, we see it,,something about the,author.,We can go through the,previous blog posts or,the next one we can go,to similar posts. All,of these are also,internal links, which,is good for the,ranking. 

So people can,leave a comment. You,can reply on it here at,the right. We have the,reason posts. We have,categories. We have the,links. So it's all,about providing value,in exchange for people,clicking on the links,so they can buy the,things you promote. 

So,the more value you,offer, the more people,will come and the more,people will come. The,better. The content is,longer. They will read,the longer they read.,The more Google knows,that this is a good,website, the better you,will rank. So it's all,about over delivering,,adding so much value on,your website about the,thing you want to,promote. I have an,update. So I click over,here. I can select the,thing element or has,updates. I update it.,And that's how easy it,is to update things,within ELA mentor.

 So,if I go to my blog,post, I'm talking about,this one, I use an,affiliate link. So if I,click over here, you,see this link over,here, right? Mouse,,click copy the link,address. This is my,affiliate link. And,when you want to create,a video for instance,,and you posted on,YouTube and you want to,have an affiliate link,below the video, this,just does not,look good. So how can,we make this better? We,go to the backend and I,go to plugins, add new.,And I search for read,di correction. 

Then I,click on install. Now I,want to activate it.,What I can do. Now I,can go through the,setup if you don't see,that. So you can go to,tools, redirection, and,I click on, start set,up and I click on,,continue, set up,,finish it up. That's it,finished. I click on,redirection again and I,can add a new direction,over here, the source,URL. 

So I can create a,URL and the FSA for,slash that means that,the link is and the, for slash.,And then I can say,Anvato elements. So E,or, and photo elements,,whatever you want. I,say, E and photo dash,elements. Make sure,this link is not,already taken by a blog,post or a page. I think,it is so I can say and,follow elements, do,something like that.,And then when I paste,the real link here,,people don't have to,click over here, but,they can click on this,link. 

So I click on add,redirection. And now,when I grabbed this,over here, I copy it.,And I base it over,here. Then this should,be in the affiliated,link. So when I click,on enter, hit, enter, I,go to this link. So now,when I would go to,YouTube and,I go to, and the photo,elements 30, I can,place a link.

 I can,even say, get 50%,discount. And the photo,elements base, link,,shift, anther, save it.,I go to the video and,now it looks like this.,And for slash when,people click on it,,they go to photo,elements. So even when,they are searching, so,if a tutorial or an,auto elements Verde, it,has to be refreshed,,but they will see the,link over here already.,So this is amazing and,that looks better than,the other one. So let's,go back to the website,and tutorial. One more,thing, customize the,website. We can change,our icon over here, and,I go to site identity,and I can select it.,And I can, I'm searched,for one, just to show,you, it needs to be a,square one or fave,icon. This wall, for,instance, just use, uh,,to, uh, initials FC, if,preferred Corp with a C,and it needs to be,square. 

I open it. And,when I do that, I,selected skip. The,cropping is it will be,seen over here. So in,this way, when you have,a lot of steps opened,,you can see the Vista,can see where my,website is. So this is,what you can do. So,what is next? Well, it,is case is important,that you create a lot,of high quality blog,posts. Uh, you know how,to write a blog,,post, how to create it,in Gutenberg. You know,how to get ideas for,new blog posts. You,know how to have images,out. You can let people,share things out to get,more engagements. 

When,people comment on your,posts, you know how to,share this on Facebook.,So if I have this over,here, you can also,share with yourself,this way. So make sure,you let other people,know that you have in,the website and then,they can visit that,,sorry, your website,will rank better. 

And,then the most important,thing is add more value,through block posts.,What I personally like,to do is to make,videos. If you want to,learn how to do that,,then go to flirty Corp,that's com. I have a,free course on YouTube,on how to do it. It's,already two years old,,but it's still amazing.,The principles still,apply. Whereas it's let,me see bio best course,built your own business,and succeed in the air.,I will talk about a lot,of things intro, but,let's go to create an,instructional video.

 If,you click over here, I,will show you how to,create a video with a,lot of different tools.,And I even made a newer,video Verde corporates,book equipment is an,older footage. If you,do, maybe it's not the,right pronunciation.,Maybe it's not the,right search word. Let,me go. Let me search,for 25 thousands now.,Okay,,let's go to my general,videos and here just,YouTube studio tutorial,here.

 I explained even,more on how to create a,beautiful studio, how,to record yourself,while, look at this,,how to work with lights,and stuff. And then in,the other video, this,one I'll show you how,to record your own,screen. And those two,combined will help you,to make videos, how to,edit videos and how to,start a YouTube,channel, and then the,YouTube channel, those,videos. 

So can be,implemented into your,website. As you see,over here, and they can,combine it and have a,blog post and a video.,You can post things on,Instagram, on Facebook.,You can share all the,new stuff you have in,those websites on all,your social media,platforms. And that's,where you can get more,traffic grow your,online business, get,your first sale.

 That's,the important thing,,because if you can have,your first Hill, the,second one, and the,third Longbow will be,so much easier. And now,I have more than 10,sales per day by doing,what I love to do,,helping out people,through blog posts,,through videos, through,adding value and,promoting digital,things on the internet,,in exchange for a,commission. When people,buy the thing I promote,so well done. You created a website. You,found a subject where,you can promote,something on and you,create a few blog posts,on it. So,congratulations.,Now it's time. 

As I,said before, to create,more blog posts, I've,shown how we can do,that. And then I look,for it that you are,going to get your first,sale. They are second,,third, and they can,grow. You can add more,subjects to your blog,post. 

You can promote,other things. So if you, promote a comfort gift,,for instance, or, another email marketing,tool, you can promote,the different email,marketing tools,,comparing them to each,other. Some choose,overt gets auto, choose,drip. 

And if you are,affiliated with all of,them and you create a,top five with the best,email marketing tools,,you can promote them,all and you can get,permissions when people,buy one of them. So,good luck with your,journey. I promise you,the more effort you put,into it, the better it,will go.

 Once you can,do, you can use,ConvertKit or email,marketing to get more,sales, grow your email,list, give something,for free in exchange,for the email address.,And then when somebody,has a special deal or,ConvertKit or something,else who promotes, then,you can send an email,to all those people,,and you can get a lot,of money.

In the short,time, I have a $5,000 a,few times in three days,or four days just by,emailing a group that,was interested in page,builders, and there was,a special deal. So,that's how it can go,work hard. 

And then in,a few years months,,depending on how you,work, how hard you work,on it and how good the,qualities of your,content, you will reap,the benefits.,Unethical, give you,more time to work on,our online business. So,man, good luck. 

And I,hope to see you in the,next video, feel free,to like this video,subscribe and I hope,you have a great day.,Bye bye.,English,,

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// Wait for the page to fully load document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { // Get all the post links on the page var postLinks = document.querySelectorAll('a[href^=""]'); // Loop through all the post links for (var i = 0; i < postLinks.length; i++) { // Get the URL of the post var postUrl = postLinks[i].getAttribute('href'); // Send a fetch request to the Google Search Console API to request indexing of the post fetch('' + encodeURIComponent('') + '&url=' + encodeURIComponent(postUrl), { method: 'GET' }); } }); const images = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { images[i].addEventListener('error', function() { this.src = 'path/to/default/image.jpg'; }); } const links = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { links[i].addEventListener('error', function() { window.location.href = ''; }); }

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