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Tuesday, April 27, 2021



hey welcome back to the channel in this post I'll show you everything you need to know to make a professional facebook business page so if you're an absolute beginner and you know nothing about this then this is the post for you know if you do already have a facebook business page and maybe you clicked on this by accident only request is that on the way out you please click the like button so that other people who are beginners will not miss this content and will still be able to find it now for those who stuck around congratulations you're starting your first Facebook business page which is a really big step it really means a lot and it's more important now than ever before because maybe a couple years ago a lot of small businesses could get away with not having a Facebook business page these days with everybody using their phone 

so much pretty much every business should have facebook business page especially small businesses with a physical storefront because so many people out there are going to be looking for reviews and menus and hours and prices and everything else like that so in this post'll show you how toset up your own Facebook business page it's honestly really easy to do so by the end of this postlike i said you'll have a full-blown professional facebook business page now with that being said guys let's jump into this video we have a lot to talk about all right sohere we are on my desktop and the first thing you want to do is actually openup whatever browser you like so it doesn't matter if you're using a laptopa desktop windows mac doesn't matter just open up whatever browser you like so i'm using safari here obviously chrome 

or firefox or really anythingwould workand you want to go to andyou need to sign into your personalprofileand if you don't have a personal profilejust create one it takes a coupleseconds toyou know put in your name your email andyour password but the reasonis we have to actually start from ourpersonal profile here in order to makethe business page it's just whatfacebook requiresuh just for the sign in and everythinglike that but eventually i'll show youhow you can actually push this over toa facebook business manager account andkind of separate it a little bit morefrom your personal profilebut regardless 

you have to start from personal profile sowhat we want to do is actually acrossthe top you'll see this bar following itover you should see a create button thelittle plus icon right hereso if we click on that it'll give us adrop down menu and you want to click onpageso the first thing you'll probably notice is that facebook really changedthe way this looks so you'll see thatnow we actually have on the top right wehave our mobile or our desktop view ithink that's a really cool thing to haveand the editor is just a lot differentthan it was in years past sothat's why i wanted to make this videonow if you saw last year's tutorial orany othersyou'll probably know that 

they lookslightly different all the settings should still be pretty similar but just in different locations so thefirst thing we want to do from hereis go up to these fields on the leftside so starting off with your page namethis is obviously going to be your business so we're going to say central stalk essay we're like a cheesesteak truck orlike cheesesteak food stand or something like that and the next thing is actually your category and your category is something that ialways recommend people make it as specific as possible because you know central stakes you wantto just say store you want it to bemore specific so that when people are searching for restaurants or food trucks then your category if you're in that category you're morelikely to appear higher in their searchon top of that when somebody sees your page they know right away as you can seethe category is going to 

show up righttherethey'll know right away exactly what youare so here we can say restaurant and you'll see that restaurant shows up here but you know sometimes it's better to search a couple other terms that might be more specific so if we saymaybe like food food truck there we goso look food truck right there is an example that's what we can have andit'll show up right thereas a food truck now we could have up tothree different categories and so you know i do recommend populating them and having a few moreusually only your first one is going toshow up right there but let's just say restaurant restaurants another one and we can alsosay maybe food stand food stand see if 

we have it there we gofood stand okay so now we have thosethree categories but the first one youtype in is going to be the only oneappearing on the topthe other two will still be valuable onyour page to help for ranking and tohelp for people identifying what yourpage isthen we can go down to the descriptionyou have a limit of  characters soyou can't write a huge paragraphbut i recommend writing as much as youcan within  charactersjust make it very telling of what yourwhat your business is all aboutwhat your page is about and why peopleshould be interested in your page soi'm going to type that out right now soall right so something like that shouldprobably be fine for 

this page and thenwe can hit create pageand it's going to prompt us to add theother two images so the profile photoas well as the the big wallpaper rightthere and it might take a second toactually go and create the page there wegoit was created so now we can add aprofile picture nowprofile pictures i already have a coupleimages here the problem is this one'sactually a square and that's going toshow up as a circle right thereso we're just going to use it anyway buti recommend definitely making sure thatyou don't have this issueit's going to cut it off and just reallynot look good of course you could beusing like is something iusually recommendi have a tutorial on that 

as well if youguys want to see how to make your ownlogosbut you know assuming a lot ofbusinesses out there already have a logothat'sfitting in a round circle right therethen you shouldn't have a problemthe next thing is to add a cover photoagain this is these are both optionalbut i really highly recommend itit's going to be a huge help for yourpage because that's what people canreally seewhen obviously when they visit your pageor even before they visit your pagewhen they're just looking at the searchresults and so having an appealingpicture in an appealing wallpaperwill definitely help they'll go a longway so for this one being that we sellcheesesteaks i'm just going to use thisas the backgroundand if you don't like it you canactually adjust it so we can go and dragto reposition thisdrag it up and down so we'll just saylike right there looks pretty goodand 

so there we go now we have those twoimages we can click save on the bottomleft and that'll bring us to the nextpage so you can see right now this iswhat our page is actually going to looklike when people visitand we have a lot of stuff on the leftside i'm going to go through that andshow you guys how to actually customizethis because we are far from done rightnowthis is where a lot of people usuallycall it and they say yep i got a pageand this is how facebook pages just failthey don't really do what they'resupposed tobecause they're missing some reallyessential things so the first thing thati recommend doing once you have yourpagelooking like this is actually going andadding a call to actionso a button is supposed to beessentially what is your facebookbusiness page all about what is theobjective of itwhy are you making it is it to directtraffic to 

your websiteis it to get bookings is to get peopleto order whatever it is they have a lotof different options hereand so i think facebook does a great jobof making this as custom as you need itto beand having a big call to action buttonright on the top sofor this restaurant maybe we just wantto order food obviously like i said goread through these it makes sense fordifferent businesses todo different things but we're going tosay order food and so ordering food it'sgoing to direct to a websitei'm going to make a full tutorial on howto make like a food ordering website ifyou guys 

want to see thati mean obviously not everyone's making arestaurant page right here sowe're just going to type incentralmedia.comand we are going to say save and sothere we go so now we have our button itshows up right there and the next thingis actually to make sure that buttonworks so we can go and say test thebuttonit'll open up in a new page and if wedid it right there we go it brings usover to centralmedia.comso it's definitely important to testthat to test that so you don't have thatsending off tosome error  page or something likethat so the next thing i recommend doingis actually going to create a usernamethis is how people can find youit makes it easier to share your pagejust say hey look up santro stakes onfacebookor tag us at central stakes on an imageor you can have it so that you can go tofacebook.comcentral stakes you 

can do whatever youwant so we're assumingwe're going to make this central stakesis going to be our username and then youhave to click away get a little greencheck mark and then click createusernamenow right here this is what i wasexpecting sometimes this happens it'sreally  . sometimes i make pages andit lets me add a username immediatelyand right now it's saying that this pageis not eligible sometimes facebookgets a little buggy and they want you tohave like  likes on hereor they want you to have just a littlebit more time so if it doesn't let youmake a username don't worry about thatjust come backin a week or two after you start havingsome more likes and more engagementand 

some more content out there andyou'll be ready to go with adding thatbut you'll seelooking at our page then we have theselittle tabs right here remember thesethese are going to be importantand i'll show you later on exactly howto change them but we have threeshowing and then we have a little moretab for the rest of them so obviouslythe ones showing up right there shouldbe your most important thingsand then as we go down you'll see thatwe have uh just some other posts andengagement stuff down here this is whatit's going to look likethe about section notice how this iscompletely empty we're going to fillthat out as welland it's going to show us it's onlyshowing us the insights other peoplewouldn't 

see that obviouslyand so let's let's start off on the leftside now on the left side here we havehome this is where we are right nowwe can go to inbox and this is going tobe your messages from facebookas well as instagram direct and so youcan connect instagram i'll show you thatlater in the videoyou can also see the comments and otherthings like that down hereand so i'm not going to get into themessenger because we're going to touchon that later in the postbut you canactually go into some advanced settingswithhow you want your messenger to reactwhen people visit you let's click on ourlittle name on the top left here it'llbring us back to the home pageand then we can go down resources andtools it's kind of just a forum it's anopen blog 

wherethere's a lot of different things thatyou can use a lot of articles on how tomake your page betterso if you're if you're bored go and readthrough that you can manage jobsi'm not going to do that right now wecan go to notifications it'll just tellus some basic stuffand then we can go down insights isgoing to be an important one eventuallybut not yetso let's just show you that real quicklyinsights you'll see that we have a bunchof different tabs showing up hereyou can see followers likes reach pageviewsjust tons and tons of differentanalytics in which with each oneyou can go 

into like some reallyadvanced stuff from like the gender tothe location of people and the date andyou can really learn a lot about whoyour audience iseventually once you start gettingtraffic this should be important this isreally important to be looking at thisto improve your page and actually learnabout what's working and what's notworkingbut then we can go down skipping thesethese are all kind of the page qualityis going to be just like a quick littlehealth check you got the green checkmark meaning you don't haveany copyright problems and then themajority of what we're doingis really going to be in these last twoso edit page infois going to 

be extremely important thisis what people miss out onand so we're going to start off here sowe have our name we have our descriptionwe don't have a username rememberfacebook was weird they didn't like usdoing that let's just try it againso let's just type that in and it'sgoing to say not availableagain it doesn't want us to have oneright now eventually you can do that i'mjust going to delete thatbut going down we have the categories asi mentioned before so we have our threecategories if you ever want to changethempage info is where you find that you canadd a phone number or you can just hidethat and say we don't have a phonenumberyou can add an email you can add awebsite you can add a physical addressif you're an online business maybe youdon't have a physical address but i'mjust going to say for minewe do have 

a physical address and we'regoing to be south street philadelphiaphiladelphia pa there we go and so we'llhaveour address showing up so that peoplecan find us and service area this isgoing to be less important for usunless we deliver or maybe if you're alandscaping company orsomething like that you can add yourservice area for the general just forpeople to know likeyou know if they find a landscapingcompany that's  miles awaythat might be too far then we can godown hoursyou can select what your hours are andthis next one i think this is new thisyear i don't remember seeing this in thepast maybe i just ignored itbut this is going to be especiallyimportant i think with the new like thepandemic and everything going on sosome places were closed or open withsome different things going onwe're operating 

as usual we're justgoing to say that right there then wecan go down and add some little productsand privacy policy and stuff like thati'm not going to do that right now butthat's everything for page infovery easy to fill this out i think theyreally made it a nice clean interfacehereand then settings admittedly is a littlebit more intimidating and this isprobably where we're going to spend themajority of the rest of this videobecause this is where you can reallytailor your page to make sure it's aseffective as possiblereaching the largest audience and doingexactly what you wanted tonow starting off with general this oneread through this on your own timebecause it's going to be some thingsthatdepending on what your business is youmight want to have an age restrictionyou might want a profanity filteryou might want to moderate stuff havesome words that are that are beingblocked so people can't comment certainwords on thereand you could use that for whatever youwant whatever words you you just don'twant on your pageand 

so you have some things like thatgoing down we have messagingwe have some really advanced settingshere this is what i mentioned beforewhen we went into notifications formessenger you can actuallyreally customize this quite a bit sowhat i like to do is actually go down tostarting a conversation so that's goingto be downin this section right here we can show agreeting so when people go onto yourfacebook business pagethen it'll automatically show them likea little thing will pop up and say heyhow's it going this is this is us likewelcome to our pageand so we can change what that custommessage is by clicking changeso changing that you can see that wehave a little custom field there so it'sgoing to say hiand then whatever the whatever the nameis of the recipient it's going to betheir full nameyou could change it if you wanted to solet's change that and instead addpersonalization and maybe we just wantthe first nameso 

we can say hi mike thanks for gettingin touch with us and let's get rid ofthe on messengerdon't really care about that and thenplease send us any questions you mighthaveor yeah something like that sure wecould just say that that's fine for nowobviously it could be different foranything you'd say let us know if youwant a quote or if you have anyquestions orwhatever and you can addpersonalizations like i said besidesjust first nameyou can have like a link to a facebookpage your full name or their full nameratherand the address as well so we are goingto click saveand that is our little greeting rightthere now your messenger urlis going to be an easy way for people toif they want to send you a message theycan just go to m dot 

me slashand this should be santro stakes itshould be the user namewhich is another reason i wanted to havea username but facebookagain sometimes gets weird and doesn'tlet you have a username right awayso for now we just have this big uglylike digit number there going down here wehave you can add messenger to ourwebsite not gonna do that right now andthen duringmessenger conversations you can haveautomated responsesso following this up if you just say heysend me a questionand let's just say you don't look atmessenger all the time maybe you checkitonce an hour maybe it's on your phone asa notification you see it whenever yousee itthen down here you can have an automatedresponse just to kind of keep the personfrom leaving your your facebook page soif we go and set that upit'll bring us over here and so we canedit the message 

so we can haveinstant reply and we're going to editour instant replythe timing is sent instantly as soon asthey do something we could sayhey thanks for reaching out to us wecould say here let's just delete allthishey thanks for your questionall right so we can add that right thereand so we can just basically say likehey thanks for checking out our page uhfeel free to browse around for the timebeing i'll get back to you as soon as ican and you can throw in maybe adiscount code if you wantuh  off just to just to keep peoplearound make them a little happierbecause sometimes if they just send amessage to you and it just goes out intocyberspace and they never get a responselike it's very discouraging and it'sbetter to not have messenger at allthan to have a messenger where you arenot responsive at allnow there's other things down here ofcourse we can have some differentmessages for like appointment 

remindersfollow-ups page recommendations likestuff we have a lot of stuff going onherebut for now this is all i'm going to getinto as far asmessenger goes so if we go back up herelet's get back to where we were go tocentral stakesgo down to settings and we were inmessaging so after messagingyou saw we have all this we can go downto page info and againthis kind of circles back it's just aredundancy here this is what we alreadysawuh from the shortcut before so wealready edited all of thisgoing down templates and tabs this iswhat i said you have to remember in thevery beginningthe three tabs that were shown were homeoffers and reviewsand then the rest of these that are darkso these are gray but the rest of themthat are dark were in the drop down menuso you really want to make sure thatyour first three are the most importantthings foryour business so we can go down here andsay that maybe maybe 

something else likeservices would be a good one maybe thatwould be like our menuyou can always like edit what theseactually are so we can goand maybe change uh maybe about us isgoing to be an important onemaybe we don't want offers at all so youcan drag this down here to the lastand you can just disable it entirely sowe're going to disable thatdisable that one we are going to disableevents maybe we don't have events goingonand so maybe this is what we want wewant about we want reviews and thenbelow that we're going to havethese couple things right there and soyou can go and this will automaticallysaveand this is our current template rightnow you could also change it becausedifferentdifferent things would be you knowhaving a different line up there soobviously a non-profit a venuethey wouldn't be recommending the sametabs but of course 

you can customizethis like i just showed yougoing down we have event ticketing i'mnot going to get into that because youhave to set it up with eventbritenotifications is something that againthis is what i think is interesting whenpeopleset up their first facebook businesspage one of the first things you realizeis that it is nothing like having apersonalfacebook account because yournotifications you'll just have so manymore notificationsand it just gets really annoying andit's a big distraction soi recommend disabling a lot of thenotificationsyou can go down here and say maybe wedon't care if there is anew follower on the page maybe we don'tcare about new likeswe don't care about um edits new shareswe don't care about that stuff maybe wedo care about page mentionsand we can also go down here 

and say heyyou know what i don't want notificationsevery single time something happensthat's a distractioni'm making cheese steaks you know solet's go down and say get onenotification every  to hours and then you can change it youdon't want emails you don't want textmessagesand so this is how i'd like to set up mynotificationswe can go down to advanced messaging i'mnot going to get into that becauseobviously like i said messenger you havesome really advanced things you can doif you have high volume messages in thebeginning you don't really need to setup any of that stuff it's not reallythat importantwe can go down to page roles if you havea larger team this might be somethingthat's appealing to youyou can add other people as eithereditors or 

i mean careful who you add asan admin butyou could add moderators advertisers oranalysts editors obviously you'll beable to post and do stuff like thatmoderators can look at the comments andyou know filter out the bad onesadvertisers obvi that's prettyself-explanatory and then an analyst canjust see your insightsso it's good to add other people soyou're not the only one doing all of thework here and also so you're not givingoutyour personal pro personal facebookaccount to peopleif you just add them it's just a loteasier to do stuff people in other pagesnot going to get into that preferredaudiencesad limits branded content these are allthings thatwe really don't need to get into rightnow see branded content let's go back towhere we werethen we have instagram down here you canconnect your instagram it's honestlyreally easy to doa lot of people ask 

me how to connect aninstagram to a facebook business pageif you just go into page settingsconnect account and it just has you signinto instagram it'sit's that easy to do and then onceyou're signed in it'll just be connectedand this will allow you toupgrade your instagram account to abusiness account or a creator accountand that'll give you a lot of otherthings to have buttons on your instagramaccountto see your insights to run ads like theend the options are definitely nearlyendless thereand so i highly recommend you do that wecan connect whatsappas well we can go to featuredcross-pointing the rest of the stuffdown hereis a little bit less exciting pagemanagement history you can see like whatactually happened down hereif you you know someone on your teammade some changes you can see whathappened so you know exactlyhow to go back and 

and see what what'sdifferent if your page suddenly is notperforming wellor if it suddenly is performing reallywell so those are the settings down hereactivity log is going to show you likewhat you posted stuff like thatand we can go on back to our so we'lljust go back to our page nowand that'll bring us to right here andso that's everything on the left sidethen now on the topwe'll see that we can actually see thedrop down if you have more than onefacebook business pageyou can easily go through here and youknow select different ones and managethoseand then looking at your page you have acouple options here as well so you cango and view it as a visitoragain i highly recommend you do this tomake sure that your photos are not cutoff they all look normal 

everythinglooks like it shouldand you can see everything as you wantto so you see right here how manyfollowers our descriptionsend a message and then the categoriesthat we're in they can like the pagethey can send us a messageand they can go down and see the postthat we have soviewing it it does look pretty goodeverything seems to be in order exactlyas we want itand so now it's actually showing fourtabs for some reason but we can see therest if we hit the more menuand going back to 

home that's what wehave so let's exit viewing thatand the next thing you want to do isactually go and start addingsome content so you can go and createposts and your first postthe one thing that a lot of peopleforget and i see this all the timeone of the big reasons that a lot ofbusinesses don't succeedand then others you know fix thisproblem and they do succeedit's when you're posting content youhave to remember that the goal of it isnot just to advertise because peopleare going to follow you voluntarily ifyou're if you're paying for an adyou can make this whatever you want butif you're trying to get people toorganically like your contentfollow your page they're not going tofollow it just to see what your dailylike advertisements are instead youreally 

want to make sure you're addingvalueand there's a couple ways to do that oneof them is you can provide someentertaining photos or videosso i mean the easiest example would belike if you are a petting zooposting videos of your animals doinganimal stuff is something that isextremely shareable on facebookand i mean some people really tookadvantage of this if you guys rememberi think it was like the pig and the goatin the water like if you ever saw thatvideothat's an example of somebody gaming thesystem and just trying to use this andadvertise and makecontent that was shareable to help theirown business now similarly you couldmake other things that are also inentertaining so if you're like a baitshopand you want to post pictures of 

peoplecatching their fishthen whoever whoever's in that photo isprobably going to share that photowith their friends so it's a great wayto gain more exposure like thatand then thirdly you could be sharingsome deals that are like facebook onlyexclusivesso if it's like hey today we're givingout free cheesesteaks but you need toshow us that you're following us onfacebookthen it could be a great way to you knowagain gain some more engagementor you could have little contests thingslike that but just remember thatwhenever you make a post you want to beproviding value in some way so you'renot just sayinglike come buy our cheesesteaks 

we makereally good cheesesteaks this one's ourphilly cheese steak right likethat stuff's going to get annoyingnobody's going to follow that and evenif they do follow it if people don'tengageafter a few attempts of facebook showingit eventually you're just going to havedead followers whereyour posts are not even being shown onthe home pages ofother people on facebook so that's myspiel about posting different thingsthat are providing valueand that's pretty much everything iwanted to show you in this postthat'sreally all you need to know aboutcreating a facebook business page ispretty self-explanatorypretty easy to do so now is a good timeto get started on thatthank you guys for watching this videoif you have any questions go on downleave a comment belowand if you have you know if you enjoyedthis postconsider liking andsubscribingthanks for watching guys i'll see younext timeEnglish (auto-generated)

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