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Thursday, May 27, 2021

Amazon FBA For Beginners 2021 (Step by Step) | Amazon Product | Amazon Sale | Amazon Virtual Assistant

   Amazon FBA For Beginners 2021 (Step by Step) | Amazon Product | Amazon Sale | Amazon Virtual Assistant 

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Amazon FBA For Beginners 2021 (Step by Step)


hey everyone welcome to the my

website  Princetobateksingh
i'm going to be showing you step-by-step
how to sell with
amazon fba now quick note here we're not
selling you anything there's no courses
there's no pitches
you don't have to worry about us going
through here and just telling you to buy
our like
thousand dollar course look the truth is
you don't have to spend any money
in order to learn how to do amazon fba
it's still very much alive and well
in 2021 and we're going to show you
everything that you need to know this is
beginner's guide on amazon fba we're
going to give you as much information as
in this Post  so i recommend taking out
a pen
taking out a piece of paper taking some
notes on this Post  we'll leave some of
the show notes down below but like i
we have nothing here to sell you so just
enjoy this uh take some notes and i
think it's gonna be
of quite a bit of value for you so let's
get started here
uh but it's important to note as well
that this is not a get-rich-quick
type of idea uh while this is still very
much alive and well we know people who
are selling
hundreds of thousands of dollars worth
of products on amazon and we've done
this quite a bit ourselves
uh but this is not a get rich quick
scheme okay this is not something
that tomorrow you're going to wake up
and you're going to have 10 million
from selling products on amazon this is
very much a long process
so hopefully if you're reading   this
Post  it's with my hopes
that maybe you already have a job or
you're already in school you already
have something going on
and what i want you to do is hopefully
start to do something like this
on the side right start to build it up
over time you start to learn from your
and this is the best way to go about
this rather than just trying to jump
into it full time right off the bat
but rather build up over time learn from
your experiences over time
launch one product then launch another
one then launch another one over the
course of the next couple of months
that's what we would suggest doing
rather than just hitting it
running and just going out and trying to
uh make a ton of money
within the next couple of weeks it's
gonna be really difficult to do that and
we don't to see
you lose your shirt uh by getting in
over your head too quickly
okay so let's start here uh but first of
all let's let's just discuss a couple of
things that we're looking at here
in in the big segments first of all
we're going to look at how to find
products we're going to talk a little
bit more about amazon fba and
essentially what it is
but then we're going to talk about how
to find products right how do you find
products that have
a lot of demand and not very much supply
i don't know if you've taken
any type of economics courses or or
studied economics but you'll know that
you want to be in the position where
there's not very much supply
but there's a lot of demand we'll show
you how to find those
different types of products there's a
couple of great techniques that we have
for that

and then we'll talk about how to

actually source those products right
how do we find the products that we can
then go sell how do we find
should we deal with trading companies
should we go straight to the
manufacturer how do we get that over to
america or wherever you're based in
and so we'll go over as much as we can
in regards to sourcing products
buying those products it sounds pretty
scary by maybe
ordering pallets of products from some
type of
country on the other side of the world
but it can actually be a lot easier and
simpler once you get the process rolling
if at any point you feel intimidated
from this just know that uh
it's going to take some time okay but
you take one step at a time you start to
build this knowledge
uh and and you really can't win with
this so
let's start off by understanding
fulfillment by amazon amazon fba that's
what it stands for
it's fulfillment by amazon now this is
the most popular route
for people who are selling on amazon
especially in 2021
there's also another option though if
you don't want it fulfilled by amazon
meaning that amazon is actually shipping
out the packages for you
you're not the one putting those
packages in the mail this is what you'll
with when people do amazon fba you'll
see this
prime option as well so they're shipping
out from their warehouses
you're just the seller so you're getting
a cut there
this is a great move for most people but
there's also something called
amazon fbm which is fulfillment by
merchant which is
essentially you can list something on
amazon and then you can ship that
product out
yourself you can totally do that i
actually know a lot of people who might
prefer to do that when they first start
off selling on amazon
and there's pros and cons to each one of
these now we'll be primarily talking
about fba fulfillment by amazon where
they shipping announce but we will touch
fbm a little bit on if you want to ship
those products out yourself now the pros
and cons of each of these
it's important to understand this
because with something like fba
maybe you'll save some time and actually
you'll probably end up selling more from
our experience
selling more when you do fba because you
have that prime shipping that's
available in most cases
amazon's shipping it for you so it might
end up saving you time as well you don't
have to run to the post office to ship
those things out
the problem with amazon fba is that it
can actually be a little bit more
because amazon does take quite a few
fees and you'll notice that as a common
theme throughout this
that amazon they take a lot of fees in a
lot of different areas
this is not without good reason i mean
they are in a lot of cases promoting
your product
for you the amazon search engine is the
largest search engine
for shopping in the world so when people
want to buy something

they go to amazon and amazon can promote
this product for you
so it's great to have that on there now
fulfillment by
merchant just very quickly to run over
this it's probably going to save you
some money in fees
because you might be able to do this
yourself you don't have to pay all these
various amazon fees
but we find that you actually end up
don't selling as much
and people really do want to have that
prime two-day shipping
included there they don't wanna have to
pay an extra five dollars and
ninety-five cents
for shipping so we suggest going with
fba if you can especially if the margins
are still
there we'll talk about profit margins in
just a minute as well but let's get into
the section here where we talk about
finding products
how the hell do we find a product to
sell on amazon
now admittedly it used to be a lot
easier to find products with good profit
five or ten years ago selling on amazon
but it's still very possible to find
products like this
so one strategy that we could use which
is probably the beginner strategy
is just going through and randomly
searching for things and kind of
we used to do this actually way back
when i used to sell a lot of products on
what we would do is i i would any time
that i would buy something
i would look at the product cost and
then i would go and try to source the
product and i would try to compare that
and just see if i could get it for
a lower price this isn't the best method
right like if i go on here
and maybe i'm i'm thinking about selling
uh some type of uh
you know winter gloves right and i'm
looking through here and i'm just trying
to find something right
this is gonna be really difficult to
just kind of go throughout this
and find products without any type of
software or any type of help
because who knows you know okay this is
selling for 16.95
but is it possible to tap into this it
has a lot of reviews
it's already at the top here these are
actually sponsored and so
what we recommend doing is not just
going through here and blindly guessing
on products
this is going to end up in just a really
big fiasco for you
what we suggest doing is getting this
piece of software called
jungle scout so jungle scout is a
software it's going to cost you a little
bit of money
i don't know if we have any discount
codes but we'll leave a link to it down
just you can check it out if you would
like to and i like i said i don't think
that there is a discount code but if
there is one
we will include it down below um but
basically what jungle scout does it's
this beautiful piece of software i
absolutely love it that really what it
does is it'll show you the average
monthly sales on
average they're obviously extrapolating
a lot of this data they don't have all
of this data on hand
but they're doing as much as they can to
give you this information
this is the number one tool for sellers
on amazon i mean it's an absolute beauty
of a tool here but we can see the
average price for winter gloves
19.16 we can see the average amount of
but then we can also see the opportunity
score here
uh which is not very good it's in high
demand but it has a lot of competition
on this as well
so seeing this you know we're probably
not going to want to go and
start to try to sell winter gloves
because it looks like this market here
it's already kind of flooded the profit
margins aren't that great as you can see
some people
are on average might be losing money
some people might only be making a
couple of dollars this is just
all of course just an estimate from
jungle scout but this piece of software
you know we can look through and see
their price we can see their average
monthly sales
they're obviously selling a ton you know
most of these are selling uh 10 20
30 or 40 000 gloves per month products
per month so they're absolutely crushing
with that

but it's gonna be really difficult for
us to tap into that so we're not going
to go with that one
but we want to actually instead of just
guessing here and using the software
which you could do
what we're actually going to do is we're
going to go over to jungle scout right
and so we're going to go over to jungle
scout i'm going to log in here
and we're going to actually look for the
new opportunities right the product
there's a tab on this site that will
allow us to do this
if you don't want to go through and use
this software if you don't want to pay
for the software
you can still do this we'll talk more
about that later in this Post
if you want to forego that but i think
it's probably going to be worth an
to be totally honest with you at least
to do some initial product
research so once this paid page loads
here i'm going to be able to log
in and then we're going to be able to
look at new opportunities available to
us here
so we're logged into the jungle scout
dashboard here
and now what we're going to do is we're
going to go to product research i'm
going to click down here
and we're going to go to opportunity
finder and now once we have the
opportunity finder this is where we can
start to
discover different types of products
that we might want to consider selling
now i urge you to not just
try to sell products that you love or
that you use or that you're passionate
because those products might not have
good margins we need to find products uh
that it doesn't matter if i like it or
it doesn't matter if i myself am using
that product for example
you know if i'm selling women's razors i
don't use women's razors but that's okay
because as long as it makes me some
money and it's a good product uh because
at the end of the day
you know if it's a bad product you're
not gonna be selling on amazon for very
long that's that's true
so now what we're going to do is we can
select all categories but i actually
like to target a couple of different
so home and kitchen for example maybe
office products is one that we found to
pretty profitable and you can go through
here and decide which ones you want to
go for or
we probably would suggest just selecting
all here for the time being to kind of
get your feet wet and try to discover
certain types of products now once we do
we can go and look at the average
monthly units sold
i would suggest going for a product
that's selling at least 100
units per month you know if there's five
per month because you're trying to sell
some type of weird obscure fly trap
thing that nobody's ever really heard of
it's probably not going to be worth your

or anybody else's time to spend energy
on a listing that's not selling anything
because nobody's searching for it so for
this let's just set up a minimum of
100 monthly units sold this is a pretty
low number
you know you could even set this closer
to 500 or closer to a thousand if you
would like to
but for our first product we'll start
with just 100
units now we can also look at the
average monthly price i would suggest
setting a filter for this uh the reason
for this is because
if you're selling a product on amazon
for 10 or
less what we find is that your profits
will be
almost non-existent meaning that amazon
they do take a lot of fees but there's
also shipping
there's the cost of actually making the
product getting it to amazon
them shipping it out they're taking fees
um and there's going to be product
returns there's going to be other
i would not suggest selling anything
less than 10
with amazon fba you're just not going to
have good profit margins at all unless
you're getting
your actual product for like 10 cents
and you're able to sell it for 10
which is pretty rare um so we're going
to set a minimum price for 10
and a maximum price we're going to set
at about 80
here just so that we don't have too many
products showing up but also what we
find is that if you have a product on
amazon for five hundred dollars
you're gonna get far fewer sales on that
most people aren't gonna be able to just
convert on cold traffic so we're gonna
keep that from a 10 to an 80
range the other reason why we're keeping
this we're capping this
average monthly price at 80 is because
if you're just starting to sell products
on amazon
you're probably not going to be able to
afford to sell 500

sofas in a thousand of those you
probably don't have that much money
to invest into something like amazon fba
right so we want to keep this price a
little bit low for our first
round of products that we are trying to
sell and you can go through and
add some more filters on here if you
would like what i would do is suggest
turning this competition down from very
low down to about
medium competition they run a number of
different factors in this to
decide what's going to be competitive
and what's not competitive
but this is going to help you tap into
those niches or those industries
that everybody's not in right like if if
we try to sell
cutting boards everybody's selling
cutting boards it's really hard to tap
into that because so many people are
searching for it
so we're going to go for something very
low to medium competition
we can also look at seasonality as well
which is going to be important
christmas just happens so we probably
don't want to sell a christmas item or
it could actually be a way to get into
the market here
so now what we're going to do is we're
going to click search because we've set

different things here so we're going to
wait for this to load for just a second
and it looks like it just loaded here so
now we can go through here and we can
look at all these different products
that popped up
based off of our search criteria for a
product that we might want to sell
on amazon so we can go through here and
you're going to see ones that you
just are not going to be relevant to you
so a yankee candle i'm not going to sell
that because well
i don't own yankee candles um so what
we're going to go through here because
what we're really going for
in this case is we're probably trying to
find something
that we can private label meaning that
we can actually source from a
manufacturer we can slap our own brand
name onto it and then we can sell it
for a premium price so you know this
one's actually pretty interesting right
valentine gnomes you know i've actually
seen this a number of times
we were doing some product research
about two months ago back in november or
maybe those three months ago now
back in november and we're looking at
gnomes for christmas and
it's just very interesting to see that
for some reason the no market doesn't
seem very tapped into and we're just
using this as an example here for the
purpose of this Post
but let's say that we're just intrigued
by this so we can go ahead we can click
on valentine gnomes
and we can look at the average units
sold right obviously starting to pick up
a lot

one thousand 1 621 units sold
in january so far this is of course an
this is going to be a seasonal item so
you have to decide this is something
that you really
want to end up selling but let's go
ahead and let's start to look into this
a little bit more
right so let's actually search this on
so we're searching for valentine gnomes
on amazon
and we can go ahead and we can look at
what we have here
and what we have is a number of products
don't really have many reviews i mean
take a look at this
they don't have many reviews but they're
averaging quite a few
monthly sales now this is of course an
this might not be totally accurate but
it's very intriguing to see this
why there are so many gnomes being sold
here uh and
they're getting quite a few sales right
so this might be a product that we're
interested in
trying to source and trying to sell so
one one quick note here uh if so we're
going to use this as an example for this
Post  here
sourcing gnomes and selling valentine's
gnomes but the problem here is that i'm
filming this Post  we're creating this
uh in january and so if we wanted to
actually do this we should have been
ahead of the trend
right so because it's going to take a
couple of weeks to find a manufacturer
to get those to amazon
and then amazon ships them out into and
to build some reputation there
so if you're going to do something
seasonal like this you
you're going to want to think many
months out right so right now it's
i'm gonna start thinking about maybe
fourth of july or independence day
gnomes or summer gnomes and maybe
easter gnomes right later on in the year
so that i'm prepared for them
that's just a quick note there that i
wanted to mention so let's go back to
jungle scout
and let's say that we're very interested
in selling gnomes right because they're
selling quite a few gnomes here
it looks like this is a pretty good
product to sell so now that we've found
a potential product
that we want to end up selling we've
identified that there's demand for it
right they're obviously selling
thousands of valentine gnomes
per month and there seems to be quite a
bit of demand for it as well
okay so now that we have identified that
what we're going to do
is try to find a way to source that and
that's going to be in the next segment
so assuming that you are using the
jungle scout plugin here
what we can do is we can go up to the
chrome extension which we have installed
after we've searched for valentine
gnomes we can go ahead and click on it
and this is just another view that you
can have here so with an average of 1
672 monthly sales uh what we're really
looking at here though
is uh the spread here on the different
products are being sold right so these

all different brands here and they're
all likely selling
thousands of different gnomes right so
they're obviously selling a lot here
their monthly revenue
uh for an example here is well over
fifty thousand dollars i guess a lot of
people like gnomes i don't know maybe
old people
i wouldn't buy one of these but some
people obviously do with an average
price of 15.78
so we're probably not going to become
multi-millionaires off of this one
specific product because the margins
might be a little bit low but it could
be a great way to tap into the market
and start to build
our reputation here so what we can do
now is we can go over to
alibaba so this is alibaba and this is
where we're going to source
a lot of our products from this is going

to allow you to
connect directly with a manufacturer or
in sometimes
in some cases a trading company so
there's a difference between a
manufacturer and a trading company
on something like alibaba and you're
going to want to know the differences
between these two
now a trading company you're likely
going to end up paying more for
a product because this is not actually a
company that
actually makes your specific product but
you're actually just kind of buying it
from them and they're like a middleman
and then they go talk to the
manufacturer and get it made for you
so it's it's not the best option the
good thing about
dealing with the trading company over a
manufacturer is that their customer
service tends to be
a bit better from our experience but you
really do want to probably go and find a
i have a lot of friends who do so much
on amazon fba that they end up
taking business trips over to china
quite a bit which to just be honest here
most of the products are going to be
coming from china or from some different
um that have quite a bit of
manufacturing in
infrastructure in those countries okay
so let's go ahead and let's search for
the product that we've just found on
jungle scout we might not still sell
this right we still need to do more
research and see
how cheap can we actually source this
product for now one thing that we want
sort of use is like a quick and dirty
rule of thumb that we like to do
it's called the rule of thirds so let's
say that we're looking back on these
different valentine's knowns
um and we're seeing that the average
price is 15.78
so what we want to do here is if we're
using the rule of thirds which means
one third of your price here
uh is likely going to be going towards
the cost of the product so
perhaps five dollars or less we would
want to have for the product
one third of that goes towards amazon
right amazon takes a lot of fees
their referral fee their fba fee their
their long-term storage fee and also a
seller membership
of 39.99 per month so they take a lot of

but with the rule of thirds we have that
first thing which is the
cost of the product that might be five
dollars then we have the amazon fees
which could be another five dollars or
and then hopefully the other third can
be our profit which would
be hopefully five dollars in our pocket
for this
so let's see if this is actually going
to happen well we can go back over to
alibaba here
let's look for valentine gnome
and let's see what we can find here for
valentine gnome right so
let's let's look this up here
so for valentine gnome we're going to
a bunch of things pop up here and this
is a interesting looking
creature of a gnome but it looks like we
can get them for about
2.63 cents per piece with a minimum
order of 500. now this is probably from
a trading company
we can go through here and and look at
it specifically we can look at actually
this company here
but let's scroll through and let's see
if we can find something for a better
or just a better option here right so
you know these actually look kind of
cool i suppose
and these are relatively cheap 1.37
we can go through here a little bit more
you know is there anything that we
really like
i kind of like these i think these
actually could sell pretty well so let's
go ahead and let's click on these
and let's see what we're dealing with
here so this here is a trading company
as we can see
uh based off of this right here it says
trading company
so we're probably not going to source
them from here we're going to want to
find a manufacturer
but let's go through here and let's just
read a little bit about the company
right and some of their different things
that they have available so
what we can do and what i suggest doing
is ordering
from at least three to five of these
manufacturers or if you buy it from a
trading company you want to
order these and source these from a
couple of different ones and
when i say this i don't mean you should
be ordering thousands from each
different supplier
but rather you're going to order a
sample from each one of these companies
right so go ahead through this and what

think you should do and what we like to
do is pick five different companies
we say you know this might be a good one
here or maybe
we like this one here for only 20 cents
that's extremely cheap a little bit too
cheap in some cases
you want to be careful on how cheap they
are because sometimes if you're just
going for the lowest price you might get
some pretty bad
quality but we're going to order a
from each one of these five and the way
that we're going to do this is we're
going to send a message to these
companies so
we're going to go in here and we can
send a message to each one of these
uh reach out to them we can contact them
and say hey
this is what i'm looking for i'm looking
for a thousand of these items i'm
looking for x
amount of these items uh to ship over to
me so that i can sell them
can you do it for this price blah blah
blah and can you also send me a sample
is there a price for the sample because
sometimes they're going to charge you a
little bit
actually in a lot of cases it's free to
get a sample from these companies they
might just ask
that you pay for shipping so that they
don't lose a ton of money sending out
samples to
a potential buyers so go ahead and maybe
look for five different products here
that you can experiment with then you're
going to end up getting those to your
home wherever else
you're gonna inspect each one of those
five different products
that those companies sent you as a
sample and then you're going to decide
based off of the price based off of your
negotiations with those companies
which one you think is the one that you
want to use for your
fba business once you make that decision
then we go through the process of
actually putting in an order with one of
these companies
now in most cases we end up just wiring
money to these companies
uh and

 in a lot of cases you're going to
do 30
up front and then you're going to pay 70
once that product gets shipped but you
can of course negotiate these terms i've
seen people pay
50 up front and then 50 once the product
is shipped
but that's really going to be the way
that you can source products
you can deal directly with manufacturers
if you want to private label
something uh for example let's say that
we're not selling gnomes but let's say
that we're selling like workout
uh so let's just look up right like
workout shorts right and we can find
something like this and then perhaps we
can end up
actually private labeling these meaning
that we can work with the manufacturer
to slap our label on the side of these
shorts or on the side of these leggings
or anything else in here
right and so this is also another option
that people like to do because this can
build your brand as a whole and then you
can end up selling these brands i mean
i've had friends who have sold their
they've built businesses on amazon fba
they've become very popular people start
to recognize
that brand name and then they're able to
sell this brand
just the ip the brand name itself for
hundreds of thousands of dollars
because it's a very reputable brand and
they own some of those spots at the top
of the list
on amazon searches because they've made
this great branding
for all their products they've slapped
their brand on there they've worked with
the manufacturer
so that's what we suggest doing for that
but let's go a little bit deeper into
this here
so once you discuss your different deals
with the manufacturers or the trading
companies that you're working with
through alibaba or through some other
type of source
then what you're going to do is you're
going to actually discuss how those
products are getting shipped to you
this is an important step of the process
because we have two different options
unless the manufacturer is right down
the road from you
you're probably going to have to get
this stuff shipped to you from the other
side of the world in most cases
in a lot of cases this is coming from
china so we really have two big
options here the first option is to have
product shipped to you via by c
right so if if you're shipping products
by c we find that the average price that
is going to run you from just
our experience here tends to be roughly
25 cents to 50 cents per pound it really
depends on
what you're selling and how much space
it takes up as a whole as well um but
you can end up getting a lot of products
by sea for relatively cheap in terms of
shipping the problem here if you're
getting your products
shipped from the manufacturer to amazon
by sea the problem here it can take a
pretty long time i mean we're talking a
couple of weeks
these are coming over on big ships
across the ocean across the pacific
it's going to take a lot of time in some
cases over a month we've seen
so that's the problem with having your
products shipped from your manufacturer

to amazon by shipping it by sea now the
faster way to do this
is by air the problem with air though as
you'd expect when you're getting it in
like five days
rather than a month is that it's going
to end up costing you more
we see that this can end up being closer
to like a dollar or two dollars per
but of course like i said it does depend
on the
overall space that the product takes up
as well um now you're also going to want
to make sure that you have an f and skew
barcode on that so that amazon can send
those out we can go
more in depth on that in a later Post
we'll do like a follow-up here
to kind of touch on a couple of things
that maybe you would like us to go over
but also please let us know down below
in the in the comments section
if there's something else you would like
us to elaborate on more i'm trying to
cover as much as i can here
so i hope you can understand that but
what i want to do actually
is take you over to the amazon seller
central here
to show you around a little bit and so
that you can get started with this
now the thing we have to know about this
is like i said earlier amazon they like
to take their fees and one of the fees
that they take
is an overall seller fee just to even
allow you on their platform
so you can either have the individual
plan here or you can have the
professional plan
as an amazon seller now pretty much
everybody that i know
has the professional plan which is going
to be 39.99 per month
or you can do the individual plan now
the problem with the individual plan is
that you're paying per item sold
this can really end up costing you a lot
of money so
you know maybe you want to start with
the individual plan at first when you
just get started
because you're not selling many products
but once you start to sell like a dozen
products or more
then you would want to switch over to
the professional plan as an amazon
seller but i do suggest you go to this
we'll try to link to it down below and
go ahead and look through some of the
uh things that they're taking here
they're different fees that amazon takes
they actually help you estimate your
amazon sales margin so you can go
and look at the different referral fees
that they have right
so every time that somebody's buying a
product it depends on the category in
which they're buying the product
but you're basically paying amazon or
somebody else
as a referral fee for bringing somebody
to your product remember
amazon's one of the largest search
engines in the world so you're going to
end up paying a commission
to other people or companies in order to
actually have people buy your products
right so here's just a nice list of all
the different things right if we're
selling beauty products
we're paying uh it looks like
eight percent for products with a total
sales of 10 or less and then 15
for more items what you're going to
notice though is that the general trend
is that
these referral fees can be about 15
of our total uh price that we're selling
these items for so keep that in mind
some can be lower closer down to about
eight percent even in some cases
computers only six percent but in a lot
of cases you can end up paying
15 as a referral fee to
amazon okay so once we've done that
let's talk about what makes a good
listing because we're going to wrap up
here soon
but we want to go over what makes a good
listing here so let's go back to
these products here let's go back to the
gnomes and let's take a look at some of
these gnomes that are selling
right so let's go ahead and let's look
at these
gnomes let's go to the first ones that
are popping up that are not sponsored so
let's take a look at these right here
this is a two pack of
these little gnomes now what they're
doing here is
is we can look through and we can see
that they have quite a few words in
their title this is something that we've
been doing for so long
you want to stuff a lot of keywords into
your title this is going to be a great

uh if you just had a title that was
valentine's day
gnome and that was it there's no other
title to it you're going to end up
missing out on a lot of opportunity so
you want to do some keyword stuffing
here as many as you can
that are relevant keywords if you want
to learn more about what keywords you
should be using
you can do two things you can look at
your competition and you can say well
i'm going to borrow some of these ideas
don't copy don't totally copy other
sellers that's just not very cool
you don't want to be that person but you
can borrow some ideas right you can
switch around the order
you can decide you know what i'm not
going to have santa doll in there but i
i am going to change this to valentine
doll perhaps or something you know just
start to change things up there and you
can borrow those
or you can go back to jungle scout and
you can go up to
your keywords and you can start to look

for different types of keywords
right so keyword scout and we can start
to look for things that are related to
that so we can type this in
let's look up valentine gnome
and let's see what comes up here and we
can search for it
oh and it looks like you actually need
to have a higher expensive one that we
don't have here so
never mind
so once you've stuffed in quite a few
keywords into your title
you're also going to want to look at
your description here now this one's
very interesting i've never seen emojis
really in descriptions very much but i
actually kind of like it a little bit um
this description is not too bad they're
obviously giving you quite a bit of
information but there's definitely a lot
going on here
what we actually like to do let's see if
we can find a different one here
because what we like to do for our
descriptions here yes the bullet points
are very good
but what we like to do is have all caps
for the first couple of words
and then follow it up right so they
chose to use brackets here this is also
another option
but what we do is for example we might
say perfect valentine's day gift
all caps right it's all in caps and then
the following sentences are in
regular text how you would normally see
it right so this is not bad i like how
they're doing this
you can think about having different
types of pictures as well amazon does
want you to have
your main photo as a white background
for this so keep this in mind you're
going to want a white background for
if you're looking for ways to get
pictures of your products there's a
couple of ways to do this
you can end up actually paying people
you can use five or you can use
up work you can send these products to
or models and have them take some photos
with your products i would suggest doing

because it does help with conversions
when you actually have people
holding your product or using your
product we see this especially with
different types of fitness products it
extremely well right like if you're
selling athletic shorts you're going to
want to have something besides just a
background picture you want to have some
photos of people wearing your shorts in
action so that people can
kind of relate to it and we find it does
sell quite a bit better that way
so let's see what else they have here
and what else we can use as an option
now i want to show you another cool
thing that we can do that most people
don't tell you
which is when you scroll down and you
look at this frequently bought together
tab this can be some secret sauce here
okay because what we can do
is we can look at the items that are
bought together
and we can actually end up creating a
separate listing that has both of those
bundled together which can save people a
lot of money
right so what if we end up selling a
product that has both
gnomes and whatever the hell this thing
is it looks like a
uh it's a happy valentine's day heart
wooden wall decoration right
so what if we ended up making our own
product and actually
bundling both of these together selling
them as one item where they get these
and also this wooden happy valentine's
day and this
love thing because people want to do
like an all-in-one they buy some
decorations for valentine's day so
they're buying
all three of these so we could bundle
these together and make it one product
and see people who are buying all three
of these they're paying forty two
dollars we can end up selling this for
less maybe thirty dollars
as a bundle deal so that's a cool thing
that a lot of people don't tell you
about we've seen a lot of success
with something like that but then we can
scroll down and we can look a little bit
further into this
the question part very important if you
have people asking questions
you want to be fast with your response
time this helps out a lot of other
not just the people asking the questions
but prospective buyers in the future as
and then also the most important thing
by far is going to be the reviews
i don't know about you but this is the
one thing that i look at
all the time i want to see the reviews
if they're good or bad
i personally rarely buy anything that
has less than a four or three and a half
star review
i just won't buy it so you want to make
sure that you're selling good quality
products and you're getting reviews from
your customers now you can't just go out
and ask your customers and say hey
if you like the product make sure you
review it if you don't like the product
don't review it
you cannot say that so what you want to
do is you can say hey don't forget to
review the product

and you can just do this by putting like
a little piece of paper in each one of
the products that you're shipping out
you can have your manufacturer
do this for you if you'd like to when
they're bundling
these together and just say you know
here's the contact information if you
have an issue with the product
you know feel free to leave a review if
you'd like to that's one thing that
we've seen
that helps get a lot of reviews but
let's actually talk about
how to tap into the market basically how
to start selling right because
a lot of people find issues with this
they find it's very difficult
to start to actually sell product
because it's difficult to tap into it
right like how do they get to the top
on amazon when somebody searches for
something it's really hard to get that
so there are basically two strategies
that we use
to get our product to the top and start
to sell products
immediately even if we don't have a lot
of reviews for people to base
their decisions off of now the two
strategies are as follows
the first one is probably going to be i
would say
your easiest one but it's going to cost
you some money and that's basically ppc
which is pay per click
which is going to get you towards the
top so let's say for example that
somebody is looking for cutting boards
and you happen to be selling cutting
right so if somebody's looking for
cutting boards what's going to happen
well amazon they like to make their
money and so these ones at the top here
these are all sponsored these are all
sponsored listings
for cutting boards so you could sponsor
your post
this is going to cost you money you
might lose money on this
but in turn you can end up getting some
decent reviews so it's an
option it's not the best but it's
something that you know maybe if you
have some money to spend you have some
money to invest into this
you could consider sponsoring your post
and getting it to the top
just so you can start getting some
reviews maybe once you get five six
seven reviews you feel like you don't
have to really have it sponsored anymore
because it'll already do well on its own
but that is one strategy to start to get
some reviews to start to get some sales
but keep in mind if you're sponsoring it
it's costing you money
you're probably not going to be making
nearly as much and in some cases you
might end up losing money which is not
the overall
long-term goal now the other option for
you to do
is to basically undercut everybody else
who's selling the products
so that you can end up positioning
yourself higher on the list
and then eventually raise your prices
once you get those reviews
once you get that kind of credibility
this is a tactic that i've used for many
many years

and it works pretty well the issue with
this of undercutting your competition
is that you might end up forcing your
to also cut their prices because let's
say that uh everybody in here selling
cutting boards for
you know 20 right we're seeing a lot of
cutting boards for 25 dollars 19
right we're seeing a lot of cutting
boards for those price ranges let's say
you go in here and you start selling
cutting boards for 12
what's going to happen you might sell a
ton of cutting boards your profit
margins might be pretty bad they
probably are bad you might only make
like a dollar or two um
but now your competition is going to
look at us and say well wait a minute
we're losing a lot of
money here because we we could have been
getting way more sales so they start to
lower the prices as well
to compete with you and then everybody
kind of ends up losing because you drove
the prices down
so you want to be careful with that
really the strategy here is
low price for the first maybe dozen
sales the first two dozen sales
they write some reviews you get some
sales going then you can raise the price
that's a tactic that i've always used
but just be careful on how long you
leave that low price in there
i mean we have brought items into the
market uh where we've lost money on the
first hundred items that we sold
we've end up lost money on purpose so
that we could position ourselves in a
good spot
on amazon a little bit of a risky move
um but it's something that
that does work if you know what you're
doing all right everyone so
i would love to go more in depth on this
if you want to see an even longer

really getting into the nitty-gritty of
like sourcing products and
manufacturers and the types of messages
that you send to those manufacturers
let me know in the comment section below

go ahead follow me on instagram if you
guys want to connect a little bit
i'll try to respond to you as much as
possible thanks for reading   the Post
like i said guys you have to pay any
money for any of this information go
ahead find more information like this
online for free don't pay for those
thousand dollar courses they're just not
worth it we never did
and i don't think you have to either so
thanks for reading   hope everybody has a
great day
and i'll see you next Post

ATUAT Compatible with AirPods, Protective Silicone Cover Compatible with AirPods, Jade Green



Jade Green



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