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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Best Products To Sell On Amazon In 2021 | Amazon Sale | BIg sale on Amazon | Sell on Amazon


Best Products To Sell On Amazon In 2021

                     what's going on youtube and blog  welcome back to

Princetobateksingh bloge and most importantly

full time and committed to making amazon

videos for you guys

so you can really learn the ins and outs

on how to start your store

on Amazon and really be successful in


now taking a look back at 2020 2020 was

a wild year

and especially for those who sold online

who are

e-commerce and the reason why it was

that way was because of the coveted

pandemic in case people from the future

are watching this video

and a lot of people were resorting to

buying their groceries buying

any type of cleaning products really

anything that they can get online

was coming through e-commerce and now

looking ahead at 2021

i do not expect the demand to

necessarily be at the same level or even


more than what we saw in 2020 but i do

believe that we are going to see

a heightened increase in e-commerce

demand so it is a great time to get


selling on amazon which brings me to my

topic today and we are going to talk

about the top three products

three products that i'm going to be

selling this year i'm going to share

that with you guys so you can go ahead

you can sell the same products

and it's all based on google trend data

as well as my opinion on what i see

um given the economy given how life is

right now in 2021

those are gonna be my main factors of

deciding what these products

are gonna be so let's get started today

guys on the top three products

that i'm going to be selling and i

believe that are the best to sell

in 2021.

all right guys let's get started here

and so as i mentioned these are three

products that i am going to be selling

this year

and i am going to be showing you guys

some google trend data based on these

topics based off of these products

that will give you a better idea of why

i expect to see an increase in demand

this year

and for the couple years to come and so

these are really going to be my three

focused products and i want to share

that with you guys

so the first product that i'm going to

be selling this year is going to be


athleisure is a hybrid between athletic

wear and comfortable clothing so think

of like lululemon jogger pants

you know you see people it's kind of

fashionable now you see people wearing

those clothes

and not necessarily in an athletic

setting now if leisure is

something that i really see it's really

increasing in demand and you can take a

look at the google trend data that i'll

put on the screen right now

it's steadily increasing over time and

is expecting to hit its 100

popularity sometime this year now you're

probably thinking why this year why not


2020 was a great year for athleisure

however i see in 2021 a lot of the same

characteristics so we are still

in the covered climate people are still

working from home and they're expected

to continue working from home a vast


until the summer at least until the

vaccines really start rolling out

so if you think about the the person

working from home

they're not wearing a suit and tie

they're not wearing some uncomfortable

clothing like jeans

you know what they're wearing they're

wearing at leisure they're wearing

sweatpants or wearing hoodies or wearing

yoga pants something that is comfortable

yet fashionable for this year

so that is a product that i'm gonna be

focusing my attention on this year i

haven't really decided

what specific type of athleisure that i

am gonna sell i'm still doing my product

research on that

but as soon as i figure that out make

sure to stay tuned i'll do a video on


and give you guys some more insight of

what specific athleisure wear

i am focused on now the next two

products i am i actually have two

examples here to show you guys

and i have already selected a product

from my wholesaler that i plan to resell 

on amazon

and that brings me to the second one

which is resistance

bands so as you can see here 

these are

workout bands

um they have resistance to similar to

like if you were picking up a barbell


however there's much more 

incentives for

an e-commerce seller like myself to sell

these versus selling weights

so let's take a look at the google trend

data for resistance bands

as you can see for the past 15 or so

years popularity has really been under


and that's what this graph is showing

here now if you look at 2020

just this past april really right after

the heat of the pandemic got started

you could see that the popularity

skyrocketed up to 100

and then we saw a dramatic fall down to

some lower levels about 30

and at that point it's been increasing

since the fall up until

now now i think for 2021 it's going to

continue increasing as we're seeing here

again people are working from home

they're looking for ways to work out

without having the heavy barbells

or going to the gym and exposing

themselves so resistance bands

are a clever way a clever product that

you can sell

to that market and to meet that up and

coming demand here in 2021

now another reason why i love these

resistance bands is because one

they're extremely cheap you know all

you're looking at is rubber some handles

and you can get them

under a dollar actually per resistance

band from overseas suppliers

and then in addition you got to think

about shipping now if you wanted to sell

workout equipment which is on the rise

that has been in more demand

this past year and coming up on this

year uh but the thing is if you do

sell barbells or something of that

nature it's going to be extremely heavy

and if something is heavy

it's going to be extremely expensive so

we need really need to minimize that and

with resistance bands

you know they weigh less than a pound

they're only a couple of ounces you can

ship them easily to amazon fba

and allows them to do the rest for you

okay so moving on to the third product

that i'm going to be selling in 2021

and i believe is going to be the best

product that i'll be selling in my focus


it is this now this may have no idea

because honestly, i did not and up until


past year this is a back posture

corrector and that's what they call them

it's simply you put it on like a

backpack and i can show you guys how to

do that right now

you put it on like a backpack

come on okay now that i've gotten it on

as you can see here this is how you put

it on

just like a backpack and what it does is

it puts you more upright in a

straightforward position

and corrects your back posture now

there's three main reasons why i

love this product and the first one

let's take a look at the google trend

data and then i'll get to my other two


so looking at the google trend data as

you can see there's been some years

where it really took a spike

i'm not 100 sure in those years what

happened that caused that

but as you can see in 2020 we did see a

pretty significant

increase but what is most interesting to

me is what google is forecasting for


they're forecasting that in 2021 come

january right now

this month they are expecting to see it

at its 100

popularity level meaning that it's going

to be at the highest demand of the past

15 year history that i'm showing here

now the second thing that i love about 

this product and 

very similar to the

resistance bands

is that it's 

extremely lightweight so

you look at this

it's so simple 

simply made it's just

some velcro and 

some some nylon

material and as you 

can guess it's


light and as i 

mentioned before if it's

light it's going to be easy to ship it's

going to be

cheap to ship from china to amazon fba

or from your house to amazon fba

and then ultimately to the customer

meaning that there's going to be less

amazon fba charges to you

and the last thing i'm most excited

about is that it's extremely inexpensive

making my profit margin extremely high

so for this product i'm estimating that

my profit margin is going to be about 42

uh just based off some metrics that i've

had previously and what that means is

for every ten dollars so let's say

i list this that for ten dollars on

amazon for every ten dollars

i'm gonna make four point two dollars so

four dollars and twenty cents

now if you have a profit margin above

forty percent that is an ideal range

obviously if you can get higher than

that applause to you that's extremely


but if i can get something above 40 i am

gonna sell it no matter what

all right guys thank you so much for

watching i hope at this point you now

have a better idea

exactly what products maybe you can look

to sell here in 2021

and you now know the products that i'm

focusing my attention on here in 2021

i wanted to share this information with

you in case you're just getting started

and you're not really sure

you know what products should i be

selling these are three great products

that you can contact a supplier overseas

you can get them at a wholesale price

and then you can sell them in the us

canadian uk market wherever you may be


so let me know down in the comments

below what you think about these three


maybe you totally disagree let me know

what products you're focused on selling

i'd be really interested in hearing so

as always thank you guys

and if you need any more help join our

patreon group i can help you walk


step by step how to start your amazon

store we have a wide group and a chat


a lot of cool features that i'm sure

you'd be interested in

alright guys i'll catch y'all next time

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